heart, leaf, autumn

Devotion for Saturday 2 October

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Wisdom Writings, from the Book of Proverbs, Chapter Fifteen verse Thirteen, “A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken,” (NRSVB). The purpose of the wisdom sayings is to impart skilful and godly knowledge regarding the way to live, or the art of living. The proverbs are sayings using comparison to teach truths that will, through their application, sustain one throughout life. The wisdom writer, possibly the wise King Solomon wrote, “All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made difficult by their anxious thoughts and forebodings, but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast regardless of circumstances,” (Amplified Bible). In Psalm Forty Two we read regarding the sadness of the soul, or inner-self, the heart of the psalmists, “Why are you cast down, O, my heart? And why are you moaning over me and are disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God,” (Amplified Bible). Like the wisdom writers through the ages, we also experienced that being focused on the difficult circumstances around us, and our dismal situation, that we find ourselves in a state of gloom and sadness. There is not much that we can change regarding the circumstances of the world and her people, but we can change our personal outlook, and find new hope in God. Our vision must be on God, we need to look up to the mountains, past the realities around us, and hope expectantly on God. He will not disappoint us, he will work within us hope and faith, that will cause us to be strengthened, then our mourning will change to rejoicing.

When Jesus was teaching his disciples, preparing them to spread the gospel across the world, he told them of his coming suffering, his death and departure. They were saddened and frightened. Jesus told them, as we read in the Gospel of John, in Chapter Fourteen verse One, “Do not let your hearts be trouble, distressed or agitated. You have to believe in, and adhere to, and trust and rely on God; but believe in, and adhere to, and trust in, and rely also on Me,” (Amplified Bible). This is the only remedy for the aching and sorrowful heart, to rely and trust in God, and also in his Son, Jesus Christ. The current circumstances are only for a season, then, at the right time, the perfect time, God will intervene and grant his favour and blessings. “In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer,” is an instruction of our Lord to take heart and have hope. Ultimately our pain and sorrow will be changed from despair to glory unto glory, then we will be rejoicing and praising the Lord. We do not understand our suffering at this moment, despite this suffering, God will give his mercy and loving-kindness. He will lift our hearts to mount out of the darkness of despair unto wings of hope.

When the Apostle Paul was jailed, he had much reason to be down-casted, he was in fear of his life, however, he grabbed every opportunity to preach the gospel, even though he was a prisoner for the gospel of Christ. In his letters that he wrote to his congregations and friends he made mention of the gladness that he experienced when he received some books and his warm winter coat, sent to him by the friends who looked out for him, who tried in small, but realistic ways, to make his life more bearable. We read in the Letter to Philemon, who had a congregation meeting in his house, what Paul wrote regarding joy, in verse seven, “For I have derived great joy and comfort and encouragement from your love, because the hearts of the saints, who are your fellow Christians, have been cheered and refreshed through you, my brother in Christ,” (Amplified Bible). Christians have, through the ages, been instrumental in cheering the lonely and sad hearts of those who suffered for the sake of the gospel and many other concerns, through the visible help, prayers and support in times of trouble, from one another. We are are given the command by our Lord to cheer the hearts of those who are dejected, to speak words of comfort to them, reminding them of their hope in the Lord: He who will never leave, nor forsake them.

Father, we thank you that you see our hearts, you know our intentions and you strengthen our weak hands and feeble knees and restore our saddened hearts to be filled with hope. Help us to speak words of wisdom and encouragement to those who are down-hearted, Amen.

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