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Devotion for Monday 31 May

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 56 verse 1, “Thus says the Lord: Maintain justice, and do what is right, for soon my salvation will come, and my deliverance revealed,” (NRSVB). God promised, in this vision to Isaiah, that those who maintained his laws would be blessed. This blessing will pour forth from God to all those who join the assembly of the faithful believers, those from near and far, those from the assemblies of Jewish and from Gentile worshippers. This blessing will include the acceptance of the offerings on the altar of the Lord, “for my house will be called a house of prayer for all people,” (Isaiah 56 verse 7).

God wants the worship meeting in his house to be a joyous celebration of his grace to humanity. Through the ages the temple and churches, and the offerings, have been manipulated and used to extract revenue for the temple and places of worship, and their officers. However, this was not the initial plan for the worship of the believers. God instructed people to bring willingly and rejoicingly, a tenth of their produce, to the house of the Lord. These offerings to the Lord were shared with those who did not have enough, and were used by the priests to bring as offerings and sacrifices, as were demanded according to the Laws of God.

Our watchword tells of the revelation of God’s righteousness and the coming of salvation. Isaiah foretells of the radiance that will shine forth from the city of Zion, for this city is precious to the Lord. She will be vindicated, and ultimately she will reflect the glory of God, in the heavenly Jerusalem, for the church is the Bride of Christ. Isaiah tells in Chapter 62 verse 11 that the salvation of Zion, also called Jerusalem, will come in the person of the Lord, who has his reward for those who fear God. In Luke Chapter 21, Jesus talks to the disciples and to his followers, after he observed a widow putting a few coins in the treasury. Jesus saw her faith and blessed her and said that her act of faith was more worth than those who gave grudgingly out of their riches. She gave the little she had, and God will bless this gift and the giver. Jesus warns of coming tribulation and encourages the believers to keep the faith, “Even so, when you see these things taking place, understand and know that the Kingdom of God is at hand,” (Luke 21 verse 31).

The revelation of God’s kingdom here on earth was seen in the life, words and works of Jesus Christ. Due to humanity’s inability to maintain justice, God sent his Son to deliver the world from injustice and unrighteousness. All humans have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Jesus died for all. Through his death and resurrection, the Kingdom of God has appeared on earth, and reigns within the hearts of believers. However, when Jesus comes in glory, at the end of the Ages, he will come as the Judge. Then he will reward those who worshipped and obeyed his new commandment. This new commandment is the command of loving one another, as Christ has loved us. Loving each other with the love of Christ is to lay down the things that keep on causing one to be tied up with the worries of the world, and the concerns that stem from a life that centres around pleasure and self-indulgence. The world puts the selfish needs of individuals ahead of the basic needs of humanity. God created humans in his image. Within the hearts of humans is created this longing for their maker. When humans realize that this is their first and foremost need, then they will understand and accept that they have been accepted. Their deliverance has been provided through the work of Jesus on the Cross, bringing us to the Father, turning us back to him. The Kingdom of God will reign on earth.

The Apostle Paul writes in the Second Book to the Corinthians, in Chapter 6 verse 2, “See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation,” (NRSVB). Paul quotes from the prophet Isaiah, and teaches the congregation in Corinth that God has revealed himself to the believers through the work of his Son. The Apostles are the messengers telling the gospel, this good news to all the creeds and nations, so that they can experience this blessing from God of being declared righteous and given a place in the Kingdom of God. This salvation and deliverance cannot be taken away from the believers, they are in God’s hand, and no one can snatch the believer from the hand of God.

God’s promise is made true as our eyes are opened and we see that our salvation comes from the Lord! The Apostle Paul quotes from the prophets Isaiah and Hosea, “And I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty,” and assures those who are waiting and searching for the Lord, that they will be blessed. God has pronounced his “yes” through the Cross of Jesus to all, his “yes” means that it is always the right time to come to God, his deliverance will never be late.

Father, we thank you that you have written and spoken your eternal “yes” over us. Help us to speak truth and love through the work of your Spirit and the love of your Son in the lives of those who cross our paths, Amen.

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