Devotion for Monday 30 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

The watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 29 verse 15, “Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their work in darkness and think: Who will know,” (NRSVB). The word of God came to the Prophet Isaiah and told him, through a vision, concerning a time when a deep spiritual sleep will come over the prophets and the priests, a time when they would not be able to read or understand the word of the Lord. In this time the righteous statutes of the Lord would not be taught to the people for their teachers would be without wisdom. There would be a mindless repetition of words that are not understood. God told the prophet to warn the people that they were turning everything upside down, they cannot hide their plans and purposes from God who created them. The created pot cannot tell the potter that he did not make it, nor can the clay say that it may not be formed or fashioned to become purposeful. There will come a time when the world will see that the wisdom of the learned and the plans of the rich were not wise, but were deceptions. Then the Lord will come among the people and do marvellous things again and turn their understanding to wise instruction and their hearts back to the righteous ways of their Lord.

In the world we live in we are confronted with many plans and purposes, created through human wisdom, that influence millions of people to become deaf and blind to the facts and realities around them. God demands of believers to seek first the kingdom of God. Believers must therefore discern whether the wisdom of the current age is wisdom that seeks the kingdom of God or the kingdom of the world. Coming to God, asking for his wisdom pertaining to our day to day living, and the times we live in, will be honoured by God with his gift of discernment. The Apostle James wrote in his letter, Chapter One verse Five, “If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let them ask of the giving God, Who gives to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or fault-finding, and it will be given them,” (Amplified Bible).

When we lack insight, we find our minds clouded. Then we cannot perceive clearly how to decipher and solve problems. When the light of understanding breaks through, things are put into their correct order, problems can be solved and misunderstandings can be cleared away. The Apostle Paul writes in his Letter to the Ephesians, in Chapter 5 verses 13 and 15, “But when anything is exposed and reproved by the light, it is made visible and clear; and where everything is visible and clear there is light. Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise, sensible and intelligent people,” (Amplified Bible). Through the ages God has given his wisdom through the indwelling and presence of his spirit to his people. God’s wisdom equips every nation and generation, every individual, young or old, to walk in his statutes, the statute of the New Commandment, to love one another, as Christ has loved us. This is the wisdom from heaven that will never end and be rewarded and blessed with peace unspeakable.

Father, we thank you that you give us wisdom through the Holy Spirit to discern your will and act in accordance with Christ’s commandment. We pray that you will work in us to do your will. Help us to work and walk in the light of your love, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion