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Devotion for Monday 28 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword is taken from the Book of the Prophet Malachi, Chapter 3 verse 17, “They shall be mine and I will spare them as parents spare their children who serve,” (NRSVB). Throughout Scripture we read accounts of parents and their relationships with their children. God instructed parents to teach their children about their Father in heaven. “Teach and impress the commandments diligently upon the minds and hearts of your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up,” Deuteronomy 6 verse 7, (Amplified Bible). Learning the word of God and respecting and fearing him, is the beginning of all wisdom. The commandment that carries a promise is the commandment that governs the relationship between parents and children. “Honour your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you in the land which the Lord your God gives you,” Deuteronomy 6 verse 16.

We read accounts of parents who raised their children well, but whose children turned rebellious, like the priest Eli’s two sons, or the rebellious son, Absalom, of King David. Their parent hearts cried out for these children as they begged God to turn their children back to fear the Lord their God. We read of parents who rejoiced in their children and their respect and fear of the Lord, such as the parents of Moses and of Samuel. Throughout the teaching of Jesus, parents brought their children to be blessed by him, and Jesus blessed them and took special notice of little children. We read of parents who came to beg Jesus on behalf their sick children and he immediately went with them and healed the children who were sick and suffering. When Jesus taught he stated that parents, who are merely human, are keen to and work hard at giving the best to their children. God, who is our divine Father, works and wants to give the best to his children in perfect measure, far greater than any human parent is able to give. God loves the children of the world more than their parents are able to love them, for in God’s sight parents and children, are alike, they are his children.

The prophet Malachi was especially concerned that the commandments of the Lord were not impressed on the minds of the children by their parents. He foretold that those who feared the Lord, who often talked about him to their children, friends and family, are heard by the Lord. God remembers those who talk about him and writes their names in the book of remembrance, (Malachi Chapter 3 verse 16). It is a precious gift to share with our children, the gift of the word of the Lord. It is the only gift that has eternal value, as all other gifts are transient. Where children and parents live together in peace and harmony and obey the word of the Lord, there is love and unity. Parents forgive their children their wrongs and desire their prodigals to return home and be reinstated in the family, as Jesus taught in the parable of the prodigal son. God acts towards us as the loving and waiting father, who never stops to look out for the return of the rebel child, and when the child returns, the family rejoice and a banquet is given, because the lost child has been found.

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, writes in Chapter 1 verse 5, “He destined us for adoption as his children, through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will,” (NRSVB). When Jesus was baptized the voice of God was heard, stating that this is his beloved Son in whom he delights. God delights in us, his children, and has adopted us through the work that he Son has done on the cross, for us, giving us part of the kingdom of heaven. We are heirs and children, brothers and sisters to our older Brother, Jesus. This was the plan and purpose of God for humans, that they would become joint heirs with Jesus, and live with him and the Father in the place that Christ prepared for us. God’s father heart is pained when his children turn from him and become rebellious, but he never stops waiting for them, and creating opportunities for them to return and be reinstated in the family.

Father, we thank you that you care for us as a father and are concerned for us as a mother, your loving kindness and compassion dwell with your children and you wait to welcome us as heirs and children in our heavenly home. Help us to impress your commandments and show your love as we dwell on this earth as your children, Amen.

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