candle, lead, path

Devotion for Monday 23 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Leviticus 22 verse 32, “The Lord says: You shall not profane my holy name,” (NRSVB). Scholars teach us that the word “name” in Biblical Hebrew carries a range of meaning. It points to a name given to someone or something that reveals some of the essence of what is being described. It also points to identify something, as we read in Genesis 2 verse 19, “Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” God chose to reveal himself with names making reference to his being, his work and his purposes, however, his revelations are not limited to written and spoken words. The word “name” is also used in connection with the idea of “making a name for oneself.” The people, building the Tower of Babel, applied this meaning to their use of the word “name,” for they wanted to become famous. The word “name” can also bring to mind reputation, memory and remembrance. The story of God, journeying with the faithful, from the Garden of Eden unto the End of the Ages, is the story of remembering God’s loving-kindness and his mercy, his words, deeds and promises, for the Name of God has been pronounced over all the believers, to bless them. Jesus prayed, Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your Name. God’s name must be used with and in reverent fear. The deeds we do, the words we say and the thoughts we think should reflect the Name of the One who has made us, saved us and called us his own.

When we are baptized, we are baptized “in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” as Jesus commanded in Matthew 29 verse 19. The Name of the Father, thus the Name of God, is called over us to bless us and bring us into the kingdom of heaven, while we are still living here on earth. Because of the sacredness and holiness of God, we, as his children, are also given these special attributes through him. Sanctity of life is a universal commandment. Using the name of God must therefore be a speech-act of blessing. When Peter and John were walking towards the temple in Jerusalem to pray, they met a man who was crippled, who begged for alms at the temple gate. We read in Acts Chapter 3 verse 6, “But Peter said: Silver and gold I do not have; but what I do have, I give to you: In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!” Pronouncing the name of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit over people are thus speech-acts of blessing that are sanctified by God, and set into motion. We read that the speech-act was immediately translated into a miracle from God, “And leaping forth he stood and began to walk, and he went into the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising (the name of) God,” (Amplified Bible).

The Apostle Peter writes in his First Letter in Chapter One verse five, “As he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct,” (NRSVB). We carry the name of God, called over us, “I have called you by Name, you are mine.” Our lives should thus reflect our love and respect towards our Father. Whatever we do our say, think or desire, must be examined by ourselves and brought to God, to ask him to sanctify our hearts and make it pure, reflecting his glorious name and honour. The church and her people are lights to show the love of God, bearing his name and also his suffering. Jesus said to his disciples in the Gospel of John, Chapter 16 verse 24, “Up to this time you have not asked a single thing in My Name, as presenting all that I AM; but now, ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy may be full and complete,” (Amplified Bible). We honour God’s name as we conduct ourselves as Children of God, brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ, who teaches us to pray, “Our Father in heaven, holy is your Name!”

Father, we rejoice in your holy Name pronounced over us, and in the Name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We come to you and pray to you, let your will be done on earth, as you bring the world and her children to honour and proclaim your holy Name, Amen.

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