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Devotion for Monday 19 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm 32 verse 1, “Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered,” (NRSVB). The effect of a transgression is that it crosses over a boundary of a relationship of trust, breaks that relationship, and puts distance between the transgressor and the transgressed. The first act of transgression resulted in the partaking of eating of the so-called “paradise apple,” the forbidden fruit. However, before the acts of eating and sharing were committed, a whole series of faith destroying matters occurred. Firstly it was the hearing and listening of a contrary voice, secondly it was contemplating the facts before hand, thirdly it was doubting the words of God and his benevolence towards his creatures. When Eve heard the voice of the snake tempting her to rethink the faith she had, she listened and used her limited knowledge, that was based on her sight, to discern the matter at hand. Then she doubted that the outcome of her disobedience would be dire and decided to act on her new insight. She ate of the forbidden fruit and, as far as she experienced, nothing sinister happened, then she offered the forbidden fruit to Adam, and he ate. It was only after the fruit was shared that both noticed that they did not experienced the world and themselves as they did prior to their acts of wilful disobedience. Then they realized that they were left with naked shame and were not able to hide their disobedience or fall back into their prior state of harmony.

Acts of transgression are usually inspired by receiving new information, based on new knowledge, that cause doubt. Suddenly a trusted partner starts wondering whether the situation and person should not be re-evaluated in light of this new information. Whether the information is fact or fiction has not been discerned yet, however, the mere new information, irrespective of the source, already allows for doubt. Where there is doubt confusion can reign. The Evil One realized the potential of words, he cannot create anything with his words, except doubt. God speaks and light shines, he speaks and the tempest calms, however, the evil one can only employ words as a tool causing doubt and confusion. Jesus warns that the mother tongue of the Evil One is the language of the lie. We are no different from Eve and Adam. We are given to doubt and fear, but unlike Eve and Adam, we live in the time of the fulfilled promise that they receive, that a Saviour will be born to destroy the work of the Evil One.

The psalmist, David, realized that before the eyes of God nothing is hidden. God cannot tolerate unrighteousness for his righteous, but for the sake of his children, he covers their sins and iniquities, like he covered Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It is for his own Name’s sake and out of his loving-kindness that he imputes his righteousness upon his children and sees them through the covering of the blood of his Son. This is his Gift on the Cross, as forgiveness for humanity. Because of this unique Son of God and his unique act of redemption, we are blessed, happy and to be envied, for we are forgiven sinners. God has taken our guilt and shame away and has covered us with the robe of righteousness, we do not have to live under the lies of the Evil One, telling us all is lost. Paradise has truly been regained for us by our Lord Jesus Christ.

When Jesus taught his disciples and followers he said, “Blessed, that means to be happy, envied, and spiritually prosperous, are the poor in spirit, the humble, those who do not rate themselves as significant, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” as we read in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6 verse 3, (Amplified Bible). To elevate human knowledge above the knowledge of scripture is to rate opinions more significant than the revealed truth of God. God knows that humans are made of dust and react within the realm of dust, being the temporal life. Because of the limited scope of human knowledge, being earthly, transitory knowledge, God has revealed his infinite plan of redemption and life-everlasting. This is our hope and joy as we live in this world with all its bounty and limitations. Having peace in the realm of human relations leads to being able to start to enjoy the peace that we God wants us to share. “Leave your gift at the altar and go. First make peace with your brother, and then come back and present your gift,” Jesus taught his followers. The beginning of restoration is to make peace with those around you, then, to come to the altar and receive the peace that is the gift of God.

This peace is a heart and soul peace, a peace that no human words can describe, for it is the peace given to the redeemed children who are happy, because they have been forgiven and their guilt has been cast away, as far as the east is from the west. “In Jesus Christ we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin,” writes the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossians in Chapter One, verse 14. We live in a world that taps into our fears and doubts. Christ comes along to us and calls us to have no fear, nor to doubt him, for he cares for us.

Father, we thank you that you have pardoned our transgressions and see us as your righteous child, through your Son, Jesus, who taught us to pray: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Father, we come to you and thank you that we are blessed and have soul peace for you have redeemed us, Amen.

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