Devotion for Friday 9 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the One hundred and third Psalm, verse 8, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love,” (NRSVB). In this psalm of David, he meditates on God’s grace towards humans and calls on his soul, and that which is deep within his inner being, to bless the Lord and praise him. David states that it is God who forgives every iniquity committed by humans and heals every disease that is known to mankind, it is God who redeems, beautifies and dignifies his people. God is the one who satisfies the physical and the spiritual needs of humans and gives them renewed strength to soar like an eagle. God is the one who judges and grants justice to all who are oppressed. He is the one who acts on behalf of his children and makes his will and statutes known to them. God’s love is unconditional love from the Creator God towards his created children. This love forgets the past wrongs and works to counter the effects and trajectories of unjust acts and deeds, words and thoughts. This is our God who does not rehearse the wrongs, but removes our guilt and shame, for he is mindful of our estate; dust people – frail and fragile. God has pity on humanity and he works to lift humans out of their state of fear and anxiety to a place of calm and rest, a haven of physical and spiritual peace.

Living life on earth demands various skills and much wisdom, wisdom far beyond the ability of humans. God sends his Spirit to come alongside his creatures, and through his Spirit, he imparts and imprints on them the knowledge needed to enjoy life as a blessed child of God. Jesus taught that those who experience God’s blessings are happy and spiritually prosperous, they enjoy life-joy and the satisfaction of being in God’s gracious favour, enjoying salvation. Non of these blessed outcomes are based on outwards conditions, the outward conditions can even be contrary to what one would consider favourable. Regardless of circumstances, those who are meek, mild, patient and long-suffering, will be blessed by God and inherit the earth. The earth and all that is in it are made by God for the pleasure and enjoyment of his children. Those who fear him and respect his name, who seek after his will and his plans, will not be disappointed.

When we come to God and praise him, despite the situations that we find ourselves in, then we are given God’s blessing upon us. He does not send his children away empty-handed, but he supplies in all their needs. He knows the needs of his children before they even call on him and he delights in granting their wishes. Calling on God and praying in accordance with his will is a God-given gift that will be answered in God’s good time. Waiting for the answer to come, does not mean the prayers we bring to God have been denied, it only means that God is working to perfect that which concerns his children. Their prayers will be answered in God’s good time, in a manner that will bring joy to his children and show God’s mercy, grace and his loving-kindness.

The response of God’s children, to his gifts of grace and mercy, is the growth and bearing of fruits that match the plant on whom we have been grafted, the Vine, who is the Lord, Jesus Christ. His sacrificing love and life is the model that his children must strive to imitate. The Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians in his First Letter, Chapter 11 verse 1, “Pattern yourselves after me, follow my example, as I imitate and follow Christ, the Messiah,” (Amplified Bible). For we know that through the work that Christ has done on the Cross for us, and the grace and faith that God has bestowed on us, due to his Son’s suffering for us, we are able and entrusted to imitate our Lord and produce fruit that shows that we are grafted branches in the True Vine. The Apostle Paul teaches us in the Letter to the Galatians in Chapter 5, verse 22 to 23, that we shall be known by the fruit that we bear, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,” (NRSVB).

Father, we thank you that you are full of love and patience, kindness and generosity towards us, you never remain in anger, and you always act towards us in faithfulness, with gentleness and give us your joy and peace. Help us to be doers of your word and act towards those around us with you love, and bear fruit that show that we are your followers, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion