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Devotion for Friday 8 October

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapter Twenty verse Eleven, “I gave them my statutes and showed them my ordinances, by whose observance everyone shall live,” (NRSVB). The elders who were in captivity in Babylon, came to Ezekiel, to inquire of him regarding the word of the Lord. It was the seventh year of their captivity and their hope of returning to back to Israel was declining. The elders wanted to hear from the prophet what word the Lord God had for them, and how long their captivity would last. Ezekiel retold them the history of Israel, how the people of the covenant rebelled against God at every opportunity, renouncing his statutes and falling into idol worship, whenever they are in contact with other nations. How God forgave time and time again the worshipping of idols and the abominable practices that were part of these services. However, God told Ezekiel that he acted for the sake of his name. Israel had to change her defiance against God, and this was wrought through the captivity. When Israel fell into idol worshipping the holy name of God was profaned amongst the nations, God cannot let his holiness be debased. He gave his statutes and ordinances, in order that people may live life in peace. Many of these ordinances are still used as guidelines in the legal systems of countries around the world today.

The first table of statutes or commandments told Israel how to be in the right relationship with God, a relationship that would show the importance of obedience, respect and worship of God, the Lord of Israel, above all other relationships. The second table of commandments regulated the relationships between people and their manner of conduct in order to respect and honour their neighbours and the rights of their neighbours. God gave his commandments as a sign to the people to understand who he was, is and shall be to them. He is the God who sanctified Israel and set her apart, to be a light for the nations. Israel was ordained by God to be the shining jewel amongst the nations, showing the world that the God of the Universe, is “The I am,” the living God, who works to the benefit of those who love and honour his holy name. Israel’s disobedience and idolatry dishonoured God. Because God is God, and unlike humans, God forgave and continues to forgive. He did not not removed his ordained role from Israel. Ezekiel prophesied to the elders that there will be a time when Israel would be returning to Jerusalem, rebuilding the city and the temple, and she would be the light to the nations again. However, the captivity was only in the beginning stages and would continue for many more years. History tells us that the captivity lasted for seventy years. Ezekiel lamented for the people of Israel and Judah in captivity. Through the visions that he received from God, he realized that his prophecies would be fulfilled, but not in his life time. Jerusalem was rebuild and centuries later the Light of the World was born in Bethlehem and suffered for the world, outside the city walls of Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ explained the Scriptures to all, and told them, that he gives them a new ordinance or statute, one that encompasses all the ordinances of the laws of Moses, namely, “Love one another.” Jesus came to love and save the world and her people. They could not fully obey the statutes of God, but Jesus came to obey every iota of the law for us. We read in the Gospel of John, Chapter Thirteen verse Thirty Four, “I give you a new commandment that you should love one another as I have loved you,” (Amplified Bible). When we love God, we will obey his commandments and love one another, and think on, and speak of, things that spread light and life to those around us. The Apostle Paul wrote in the Letter to the Philippians, in Chapter Four verse Eight, “Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things,” (NRSVB). The statutes of God are excellent and worthy of praise, let us think on these things and share them with our neighbours, for we serve and awesome and holy God.

Father, we thank you that you have given us your statutes and ordinances, thank you that you have made your Son, the Living Word of God, our Gift and example. Help us to point the world to the Light of your Word, Amen.

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