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Devotion for Friday 6 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Genesis, Chapter 17 verse 1, “I am God almighty: walk before me, and be blameless,” (NRSVB). In this narrative, in the life of Abraham, we read how God appeared to him again and assured him of God’s blessing on his life and the fulfilment of the promise that God made to him during his previous visit. More than a decade had passed and Abraham and Sarah did not receive the fulfilment of a child. God affirmed this promise. Abraham laughed within himself the resigned and sad laugh of a man who fears that he interpreted God’s word incorrectly. God asked Abraham to believe in the promise even though he has not seen the fulfilment. God instructed Abraham to continue to walk in the way that he followed, the way of worshipping God and trusting in God’s guidance and blessings, despite the outward circumstances. For Abraham the situation seemed hopeless from a human perspective, however God called on Abraham to exercise his faith and not to doubt but to continue in his daily walk with the Lord. Being blameless before the Lord can be seen as a posture of faith, believing that with God the impossible will be possible, looking beyond this current reality towards the promised future.

God’s appearance to Abraham strengthened his faith. He listened to God’s instruction and dedicated himself and all the men who dwelled in his household to the Lord. He continue to live his life in worshipful obedience to the Lord. When the Lord visited him again the promised was also affirmed to Sarah. She also laughed with sad resignation, however it was not a year later, and she held their son in her arms. God told them to name this son, Isaac, which means joyous laughter. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews wrote regarding the faith and blameless walk of Abraham, that he hope against all hope, for his faith became a divine testimony to this hope, “for what we see was not made of out the things visible.” Hope gives us the eyes of faith that see the future that manifest the promise of God as a reality. Faith and hope shine a light on the future promise of God for the world and her people that is illumined in the hearts and minds of believers. It is this light of hope that allows one to walk blamelessly into the future that God purposes for those who trust and have faith in his word.

When Jesus taught his disciples and all those who came to hear him, he spoke of the hope and trust in God, that works faith in believers. They walk the ways of the paths of righteousness. They act towards God and the neighbour without blame, for they shine the light of God’s word of promise, as they bear fruit of peace and hope. God’s instruction to humanity is contained in the commandments that direct all to live before God and men with whole hearted love. This love towards God from the mind, the soul, the spirit and the power of the body is created by God within us, so that we have hope and trust in his ordained future that would be good. Having this hope, we live with eyes that see the future as if it is happening now, and we can therefore continue to walk this walk of faith. We are not despondent because we have to wait for the fulfilment of the promise, we know and are assured that it will surely come to pass. Having this trust in God, we can encourage our brothers and sister to continue in their walk of hope and faith. Thus the light of God and the peace of his kingdom increase daily on this earth.

“Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble and good deeds and recognize and honour and praise and glorify your Father in heaven. Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come to complete and fulfil them,” Matthew 5 verses 16 and 17, (Amplified Bible). Jesus Christ has fulfilled God’s promise of Redemption for all. The darkness that came upon the earth at his death, was shattered by the Bright Morning Star of his resurrection and life, the new life for all. We have received his word and his promise! Let us therefore continue to seek his light and see behind the darkness of our times of trouble the light shining on the promised, glorious future.

Father, we do not understand the times of our suffering and waiting, but we are assured that you are working on our behalf to bring about the promised future as you have told us. We are waiting on you with faith and believing expectation of the fulfilment of all your loving promises, Amen.

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