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Devotion for Friday 3 September

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Psalms, Psalm Thirty Three verse Five, “The earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord,” (NRSVB). As we are entering into spring in the southern hemisphere, the beauty of the early light and the sound of the birds’ songs, the little green blades of the grass and the tiny buds on the trees, are reminding us of the bounty of the Lord of us. He sprinkles beauty everywhere, showing humanity and all the creatures, the abundance of his love and grace. When we think on the variety of species of plant and animal life, the teaming life of the sea, and the vast array of stars and planets, we can only be in awe and rejoice with the heavens, singing of God’s gifts of love and life for us. God scatters beauty prodigiously. We behold that in the wild flowers popping out their little heads, even in desert patches, turning their faces to the sun, smiling to heaven. They enjoy the heat of the sun, the moisture of the earth and breeze of God’s breath on them. Their lives are short, they wither quickly, but they sing their colourful songs to the Lord in the time that is given to them. The birds greet the sun. They voice their joy, thrillingly and trillingly, at the break of dawn; embracing their opportunity to enjoy another day, come rain or shine. The season of spring announces new life and new hope for all the earth. The psalmist calls on us to give thanks to the Lord with the lyre and the harp, to sing and play with joy and loud praises, our new songs to the Lord.

The joyful tone of the Thirty Third psalm inspires us to look around us and take heart, for he cares for us. God is described as the One who looks intently from his dwelling place, planning and perfecting life on earth for the people, giving and gifting them with blessings. God, the divine artist, looks at this beautiful creation and with his divine paint brush touches every place on earth and speaks to it and says: Be blessed, be bountiful, be joyous, enjoy the gifts of the earth. God is the One who keeps his eye on the universe, the One who turns times and seasons, the One who sustains us and gives us grace, and says that his grace and gifts are sufficient for us.

Jesus calls our attention to the flowers of the fields and the birds of the sky. They are object lessons in the school of life. They teach us to take each day as a gift from God, to sing with the rays of day-break and to turn our heads to the sun. As we stand in our little place and filling our little space, we behold the plans and purposes of God for us, for that day. One day at the time, one song at a time, one step at a time we see how his plans unfold, like the bud of a rose, as the day progresses. Notwithstanding the reality of a world-wide pandemic, and the devastation that is caused in its wake, we must turn our eyes upon the Lord and hold unto his promises. He will not leave us nor forsake us, he plans and purposes for the good of the world and her people. The loss health, the loss of our loved ones, our friends, our nearest and dearest, as we experience through this pandemic, is not his punishment. We do not understand his ways, but we are promised that he is working to set things right. Even though our days are fleeting, like the seasons of grass and flowers, our days and lives are purposeful. God sees each day, and each live as beautiful, complete in its season, and to his glory. When our time of blooming is fulfilled, he comes to take us to his house of many dwellings. He restores us to life and turns our heads to see him face to face. There we will smile inwardly and outwardly as we behold the radiance of his light. Then we shall sing the great hallelujah as we live in the eternity of eternities, where there will be no more death, decay and mourning.

Let us hold unto our faith and rejoice in God’s grace for us on the Cross. Let us and follow Jesus’ instruction for peace and hope for today, “Do not worry about your life,” as we read in the Gospel of Matthew in Chapter Six verse Twenty Five, (NRSVB). We do not have to worry about our lives, for God cares for us. He is working to supply all our needs, material needs and spiritual needs, according to his times and seasons.

Father, we thank you that you take delight in supplying the earth and her creatures with what they need to grow and prosper. We thank you that you delight in humanity and their praises and prayers to you. Help us to turn our eyes upon Jesus and see him and his love and grace for us. Let us hear his eternal “yes” over our lives as we walk through this day with you, Amen.

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