Devotion for Friday 27 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm Nineteen verse Seventeen, “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the whole person; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple,” (Amplified Bible). In this psalm of David he compares God’s laws and the work of God’s hands. He concludes that creation is witness to the perfect and wise laws of nature that cause the world to continue to move forward in time and space. The voiceless stars stand in testimony every night in the dark sky. The voiceless sun is tented at night in darkness and shines forth during the day, moving from the dark veil to rise and produce energy and light. As the stars and sun enlighten the world with their witness to God’s work and power, so do the words of God and his commandments enlighten the eyes of human understanding. Through the laws of the Lord, humans are informed how to live a righteous and blessed life on earth and in heaven. They are given signposts, as clearly as the constellations in heaven, to teach and guide them along their way. When the instructions of the Lord are followed, restoration of the world and her people occur. This restoration is not a superficial make-over, but a holistic renewal of the complete person, for the mind, soul and body are healed. New clarity and insight are given to those who search the word of God. The Lord is made known to those who looked for him. They shine forth, like the stars, for their countenances become radiant. They reflect the glory of the word of God manifested in their lives. Unlike the stars, they are given audible voices to proclaim that God is a glorious God who brings forth good things for those who honour his commandments.

The Apostle Paul instructs the pastor, Timothy, in his Second Letter, in Chapter 3 verse 16, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness,” (NRSVB). The Apostle Paul teaches therefore the church and her people that the first objective of the word of God is to show the way towards righteousness. The law in scripture tells us how we ought to behave. The narratives of scripture tells us how people behaved through the ages, and how they fell into unrighteousness, for they could not fulfil the stipulations of the law. The law acts like a mirror to show the faults within individuals and society. The law is not given to make people despondent, but to bring them to see Christ and his work for all, to fulfil the law on their behalf on the Cross, and to be a witness to their new righteousness as redeemed people. The law condemns the world and her people as being guilty of offense, but the word of Christ and his testimony pronounce people guilt-free and in a restored relationship with God and each other.

Father, we thank you that we can praise your holy Name as we search your Word to find the Gospel of forgiveness in every syllable of every word. We thank you for your written and spoken word, for Christ the Word of God made flesh, who works and lives within us, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion