Devotion for Friday 25 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm 91 verse 4, “His truth shall be your shield and buckler,” (NRSVB). The ninety first psalm encourages those who dwell with God, who come to him in the quiet and secret place of prayer and worship, at home and in his temple, to faithfully remain in this personal encounter of communication with God. He is the God who bestows his peace, his stability and assurance of grace and faith to those who come to him. In this relationship of a prayerful child with the ever-loving and merciful Father, the child is introduced to the truth of the words and promises of God. God’s children experience God’s words being fulfilled daily, for we stand in the presence of the Most High.

The assembly of the faithful relies on God to strengthen them in times of calamity, for they know that God is God of all. God turns the plans of the enemy to miraculously benefit his children. He will not allow the fiery darts, the piercing sword, or the lance of the enemy, to harm his children, for he is their shield and their buckler. His deflects with the shield from the left and protects and defends with the sword to the right. God’s actions on behalf of his children keep them standing and strong, despite the onslaught of the enemy.

Jesus told his disciples that they have to go in their inner chamber and pray privately to God and bring their requests to him, for he will hear them and reward them in the presence of their enemies. Prayer draws us deeper into the calm presence of God and leads us to experience God’s calming presence within ourselves. We can be courageous and fearless, for we are dwelling with the Lord, who has given us his Spirit within us. Applying the word of God to the circumstances of our lives orientates us towards God’s presence. In the presence of God we become aware of the blessings that he ordains for those who love and trust him to journey along on the way we have to travel. There is no place or space that we can traverse that does not contain the Lord in all his grace and faithfulness. God, the Creator of the Universe, is the God that promises that he will answer when we call, he will turn his ear towards us and deliver us in our time of need.

God reveals himself to us through the pages of his word and in the created world around us. God’s revelation of his love for us is revealed through his Son, who came from heaven to earth, to live and die and overcome death for us. When we look at the words and work of Jesus Christ for us, we are drawn into a mystery, the mystery of the truth of God’s unconditional love for the world. Knowing that God loves us and has given us life, life-everlasting with him in heaven, sets us free of the lies of Satan, the lies that tell us that we are condemned. The lies that cause us to doubt God’s love for us and his good purposes for our future. The enemy does not engage in speaking the truth, but knows the language of the lie.

The Apostle John wrote in his Gospel, in chapter 8 verse 31 to 32, “Jesus said: If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free,” (NRSVB). God has given us this freedom, the freedom of a serving the Lord, our God, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We are bonded to God as his is bonded to us, we are not slaves, but heirs and children. We honour God through serving our brothers and sisters in a harsh and dark world, by leading them to the truth, Jesus Christ, the truth, the way and the life.

Father, God, you are our awesome God who opens our hearts and minds so that we can perceive the truth and life in the light of your truth. Thank you that you assure us of your protection and love as you defend and protect us on our journey. We cling to you, our shield and buckler, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion