Devotion for Friday 20 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Second Book of Chronicles, Chapter 25 verse 8, “For God has power to help and to cast down,” (NRSVB). The watchword is taken from the word of the prophet who came to the King of Judah, Amaziah, and informed him that God does not want him to take the hired army of Israel to enter into battle with Edom. King Amaziah asked the prophet regarding the great price he paid to hire the soldiers. The prophet told him that God was able to give him much more than what he paid the King of Israel for the use of his army.

King Amaziah went to battle with only his Judean army and they were victorious over Edom. Instead of honouring God for the victory, Amaziah brought the craven gods of the Edomites and burnt incense to these idols. The prophet came to Amaziah and said that the gods of the Edomites did not deliver them from the attack of Amaziah and the Judean army. He asked Amaziah why he chose to bow before these idols, leading Judah into idol worship. Amaziah dismissed the prophet of God. He decided to follow his own understanding as he became proud of his military success. He tried to form a pact with the King of Israel for joint war-faring. The pact went horribly wrong and the army of Israel overpowered the army of Judah and captured King Amaziah. Throughout the history of the world kings and rulers tried to expand their rule. When the prophets came to warn them against their greed and pride they turned against the prophets and denounced God and continued their expansion plans. God’s plans and purposes for the nations of the world have always been plans to peacefully co-exist.

In this world we live in we have witnessed the unjust profits of warfare and the quick change of allies, in order to obtain expansion, economic and military success. Nations suffer and a small group benefits and becomes ever more powerful. They destroy all the customs and traditions of those they overpower. They denounce God. Their only counsellors are those who endorse their plans. The world is being laid waste and her people suffering for God has been forgotten and false gods and idols are praised. Daily the world carries more stories of riots and insurrections, fall of governments and rumours of war. The times are truly uncertain. People are fearful and anxious. Through the words of the prophets in scripture we can trace the work of God on behalf of those who call on him. God works in the world and his purposes for good would not be destroyed by those who oppose him and bring destruction upon the people. We are called and encouraged to pray to the Lord, to worship him and wait to see his deliverance.

The Apostle Paul wrote in the Letter to the Romans, in Chapter 8 verse 34, “Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us,” (NRSVB). In the courts of the world, nations come to litigate against each other and condemn one another. Even within nations, parties condemn each other and cause great division, uncertainty, violence and hardship within their own borders. It seems as if any person can find some or other reason to condemn another without cause and justify their actions. We are strengthened by the words of Paul as he encourages us today and assures us that Jesus Christ, who died for us, announces us free of guilt and blameless. He intercedes for us in the court of heaven and of earth. He has paid the price of our debt. Let us take heart and continue to intercede for this world and her people, as our Lord has commanded us.

Father God, we come to you and bring this world and her people to you. We are concerned as we see and experience the suffering of the world. We pray that you, in your mighty power, will overthrow the plans of evil. We pray that you will sustain us and keep us faithful and obedient to walk in your way, the way of truth and life, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion