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Devotion for Friday 1 October

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for the month of October is taken from the Epistle to the Hebrews, Chapter Ten verse Twenty Four, “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” (NRSVB). The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews encourages the believers not to spare themselves and their fellow believers, but to consider the tool of the spur, as a corrective measure to ensure that their love and kindly deeds towards each other are operative and ever increasing. One would not consider the spur as a loving way of accomplishing harmony and goodness. However, just as the horse reacts to the spur, moving faster and working harder, so should believers react towards situations and people that do not display loving kindness. They should be spurred on to react with love towards those who do not deserve love and display kindness and good deeds towards those who are behaving in a contrary manner. Jesus Christ prayed to his Father to forgive those who reacted to him out of malice, and he pardoned them, “for they do not know what they were doing.” We can inspire each other, as fellow believers, to act as Jesus would towards those who spurn God and his loving-kindness. Christ came to save us while we were still sinners. He ordains believers to be spurred on by his love and example to cherish our neighbours and to care for strangers and bless them with compassion and kindness.

The prophet Jeremiah continued to prophesy and preach to the rebellious Israelites, praying for their return to follow the commandments of the Lord. He worked for forty years, not seeing the fruit of his labour. God gave him a vision of the future of Israel and her return to the Lord, as we read in Chapter Thirty One verse Eight in the Book of Jeremiah, “I am going to gather them from the farthest parts of the earth, among them the blind and the lame, those with child and those in labour, together; a great company, they shall return here,” ( NRSVB). Those who suffered all kinds of physical illnesses and those who were most vulnerable in the society, those on the fringes, are the ones that God called and restored. They praised him and were healed and worshipped God. When Jesus came to earth he declared that those who suffered were the ones that he came to restore and give hope and a place of prominence in the great assembly. Those who were the least in the kingdoms on earth, become the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Through the love of God, who is just and who makes no distinction of person, the weak and humble are lifted up.

God’s invitation to the banquet meal is spurned by those who have received the invitation, however, God’s banquet is a feast for all, and would be the greatest of celebrations. At the celebration of Feast of the Lord, believers through all the ages from all the regions of the world will be present, a great company, paying homage to our Lord and King. All have been invited. “Jesus said: Someone gave a great dinner and invited many. At the time of the dinner he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited, “Come; for everything is ready,” as we read in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 14 verses Sixteen to Seventeen, (NRSVB). We have been invited to the Feast of the Lamb, for Christ has prepared the Table before us, and anointed our heads with oil. Let us continue to spur each other on to look forward to enjoy the Psalm Twenty Three Banquet with the Lord, and wait eagerly for his coming again.

Father, we thank you that you have invited us to come and enjoy the gifts of your love and compassion for us. We thank you that we can be blessed at your table on earth, and look forward to be blessed at your table in heaven, Amen.

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