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Devotion for Tuesday 24 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Daniel, Chapter Seven, verse Fourteen, “His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will not be destroyed,” (NRSVB). The prophet, Daniel, had a vision regarding the times to come and the successive kingdoms of the world. This vision, regarding the various future kingdoms, corresponded with this vision that King Nebuchadnezzar saw that was interpreted by Daniel. The king saw in the dream the statute with the head of gold, the breast and arms of silver, the belly and thighs of bronze and the feet of iron mixed with clay. Historians and biblical scholars believe that these visions foretold the history of the Gentile world. Each of the metals resembled a kingdom who nearly conquered the whole inhabited world of that epoch. First was the mighty Babylonian Empire, under whom Daniel served, who captured and exiled the Israelites. This empire was overthrown by the Medo-Persian empire, followed by the Grecian empire, under Alexander the Great, whose empire was overthrown by the Romans. The Roman Empire divided into the eastern and western empires and after a very long time a further division into ten confederacies came to be.

These visions foretold a future history spanning more two thousand years. In contrast to the division and the rise and fall of the nations and kingdoms of the earth, the Messianic Kingdom will be a kingdom that will exist for ever and ever. Daniel foresaw that One like the Son of Man would be presented to the Ancient of Days and the kingdom, power and glory would be given to him. Then all the nations and people of all languages will come and proclaim his holy name and live in the kingdom that shall not be destroyed. The prophet Isaiah prophesied of the new heaven and the new earth that God would create after the fall of the kingdoms of the earth. In the Book of Revelation we read that the Kingdom of Heaven will be the place where hosts upon hosts would minister and call out that God is holy and the Son is blessed and worthy to be praised. The hosts of heaven sang in Bethlehem of the joy and good tidings to all men, for the Son of Man was born in Bethlehem. We are part of the unfolding of history in the salvation story and we wait for the coming of the New Earth and the New Heaven, and with all the believers we pray together, “Come, Lord Jesus, Come!”

The Apostle Paul writes in the Letter to the Colossians, in Chapter One verse Thirteen, “God has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son,” (NRSVB). Despite the noise of all the rulers of the world, throughout the ages, God’s plans will come to pass and his words will be realized throughout the world. Not one of all his good promises will go unfulfilled. He has promised the Redeemer of the World to come and save the faithful, the One who would seek and save those who are lost. Jesus came to this world and he and the Father worked and continue to work in this world. We do not have to fear the rumours and happenings in and of this world, nor the powerful rulers of the earth, for our Lord is might to save and to save mightily. He is the One who promises us that he will bring us through this life, he will be our sure rock and refuge and lead us into the next life, victoriously. Our God is a mighty fortress against all the powers of the enemy and the dark attacks of evil. Christ has overcome darkness and displays his light, love and life in the world today.

Father, we thank you that you have kept the faithful through the ages strong and courageous. Help us to walk with you in this dark world, depending and trusting on your mercy, as you lead us through darkness into the light of your indestructible kingdom, Amen.

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