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Devotion for Saturday 21 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter Sixty Five, verse Twenty Four, “Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear,” (NRSVB). In this second last chapter of the Book of Isaiah we are told that God will create a new heaven and a new earth and the former things, the sins and wrong doings of the people, shall not be remembered or come to mind. The new world will be a place where no work shall be in vain, where there shall be peace amongst the people, a place where God’s word will be listened to and his face will be sought. God’s blessing will rest upon the people and they will rejoice in his presence. In this harmonious world, even the wolf and the lamb, the lion and the ox, and the serpent will live together peacefully, eating straw and dust. God promises that there will be no destruction or hurt, there would be no predator and prey. All will live together seeking the will of the Lord and enjoying what God has given them with reverent awe and gladness. God has given the people of the world a beautiful gift, this world. When his presence is sought and his will is done, then there can be peace and joy. The will of the Lord is that humans would honour Him in love and would serve and bless their neighbour, as they would want themselves to be served and blessed.

God ordained for this world redemption before the creation of the universe, for he knew that dust-people would be in need of a Saviour. The will of dust-people is curved in unto themselves, they need to seek survival, and are primarily concerned with their individual well-being. The needs of the neighbour are not a high priority when people consider their own wants. In the story of King Ahab, we read that he wanted the vineyard of his neighbour. This vineyard was given to Naboth, Ahab’s neighbour, by the inheritance of the family of Naboth, and thus was sacred land that could not be sold. Through false accusations, King Ahab and his wife, Queen Jezebel, had Naboth stoned to death outside the city, claiming that he had cursed God and King Ahab. After the death of Naboth, King Ahab took the land of Naboth. The prophet Elijah came to him and asked him, “What have you done?” We see this pattern continuing throughout the world, where people’s possessions are taken from them, their rights, hopes and dreams are shattered and the perpetrators seemingly go unpunished. When people are given limitless power and unlimited freedoms, they are capable of creating unimaginable hardship and destruction, for they become a law unto themselves.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has unlimited power and freedom, however, he never used it in order to benefit himself. He used his power to heal the deaf, the lame and the blind, raise the dead and bring hope to those who suffered. He limited his own power, and gave himself in the hands of humanity, so that he could save them from their sins. He died a death that was considered the death of a criminal. He did not open his mouth, but suffered for the wrongs committed in this world, the wrongs of the past, the present and the future. Jesus Christ’s mission on earth, and his work as the Suffering Servant for all, came to pass while the world was still in disobedience to God. The people of the world were still turned in upon themselves and rejected God’s love at everyone opportunity. God in his omnipotence and all-knowing wisdom foresaw the time when the people of the world will come to see his love in Christ on the Cross. Then they will turn back to him and worship and adore him.

The apostle Paul wrote in his Letter to the Romans, Chapter Five verse Eight, “God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us,” (NRSVB). Because of God’s great love for us, he promises that he will hear us before we call, for he will be coming to our aid before we speak our needs. Therefore we have to imitate our God and forgive our neighbour, even before they mouth their request and come to their aid. Then we will start to see the new world around us unfolding as we find harmony, peace and joy entering our midst.

Father, we thank you that you look beyond the present, into the future of what we ought to be, and speak of it as if it has already occurred. You see us through the sacrifice of your Son, and wish to bless us and renew this world. We pray that you will bring to pass the new world among us, Amen.

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