burned land, scorched earth, ashes-174452.jpg

Devotion for Wednesday 18 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of the Prophet, Jeremiah, Chapter 9, verses 23 to 24, “Thus said the Lord: Do not let the wise boast in their wisdom, do not let the mighty boast in their might, do not let the wealthy boast in their wealth; but let those who boast, boast in this, that they understand and know me,” (NRSVB). The prophet Jeremiah instructed the women of Israel and Judah to teach their daughters laments songs and their neighbours dirges. These songs must be sung to lament the terrible state of spiritual decline that manifest throughout Israel and Judah. The ordinances of the Lord had been ignored and honestly and integrity towards God and each other were forgotten. People relied on their own plans and wisdom to bring about peace and prosperity. The leaders formed pacts with unrighteous allies to grow their might and power. The rich grew richer by securing tributes and gain through ill-gotten devices. These schemes caused havoc in the nations. The prophet sounded a lament song for he has seen in a vision the devastation of the coming war and exile. No earthly wisdom, nor might, nor wealth would be able to stave off the coming destruction. The only hope would be in turning to God and follow his commandments. God delights in those who follow his word whole-heartedly, those who rely on the wisdom, power and riches given by him.

The Apostle Paul reinterpreted these words of Jeremiah in his First Letter to the Corinthians in Chapter One, verse 31, “So then, as it is written: Let him who boasts and proudly rejoices and glories, boast and proudly rejoice and glory in the Lord,” (Amplified Bible). Being filled with wisdom that is not applied to benefit all the people of the world, cause chaos in the world on a scale that humans cannot predict. The earthly wisdom applied in the world of war, has caused a scorched earth and uncountable deaths. The might of the super-powers has not brought peace and stability to the world, and the wealth of the rich have caused a gaping class divide. As it was in the times of Jeremiah, so it is today. Our help is from the Lord, he who made heaven and earth. He has revealed his ordinances to us and has shown his Word of Love and Life on the Cross of Christ. We can therefore confess with Paul that we glory in the Cross of Christ and his work of redemption for us.

Jesus taught his disciples that he would suffer at the hands of those who should have recognized and approved him through their knowledge of the scriptures. He warned his disciples to cling to their faith and be willing to carry their cross, for there would come a time when they would have to suffer on account of being witnesses of him. One cannot serve two masters, that which is profitable in the kingdom of the world, is not of benefit to those who are citizens of the kingdom of heaven. The wisdom, power and wealth of the world are opposing the wisdom, power and wealth of the kingdom of heaven. For the kingdom of heaven brings peace and justice, hope and equality, but the kingdom of the earth reigns through division, fear, strife and war. As Jesus warned his disciples in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 9 verse 25, he also warns us today, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose of forfeit their very self,” (NRSVB).

Father, we come to you and bring this world to you. We are astounded as the love and compassion of humanity have turned away from you and the neighbour. Father, we pray to you to come and bring your righteousness, hope and peace into a world that is burning, Amen.

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