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Devotion for Saturday 14 August

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm One Hundred and Nineteen, verse Fifty Two, “When I think of your ordinances of old, I take comfort, O Lord,” (NRSVB). There are verses in the Bible that have been turned to throughout the ages, verses for comfort and consolation. David ponders the words of the Lord and tells how he has received peace and insight each and every time he came to God’s word to gain advice and assurance, insight and inspiration. God’s word is an unique expression of that who he is. His word creates life. From the beginning of the Ages until the end of the Ages, his word will come to us. His word brings us out into a wide place, where we can praise him for the gift of grace and the freedom to live unto him, wherever we are and whatever our circumstances are and will be. The instructions of God are not to burden his children down with a set of rules, but the inspire his children to look beyond the realities of this temporary life, to the coming realities of the future.

We are able to live a life that is already filled with the joys of heaven for we have been given the promise of life with God on earth and in heaven. God gives us his word, his ordinances, and he takes our words, our prayers and requests. He gives these words of ours life, and makes our prayers and request real in our lives, so that we may praise him and enjoy his blessings on and in our lives, and in the lives of others. In Psalm Thirty Seven verse five, we read, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart,” (Amplified Bible). God is always waiting for us to come to him and speak to him, just as his word is always ready to speak to us as we meditate Scripture, and delight in the promises and the gifts of gospel and example for us.

The Apostle John writes in his First Letter, Chapter One verse Two, “And the Life, an aspect of His being, was revealed and made manifest and demonstrated, and we saw, as eye-witnesses, and are testifying to you and declare to you the Life, the Eternal Life in Him Who already existed with the Father and Who actually was made visible and revealed to us, His followers,” (Amplified Bible). Jesus, the visible expression of God’s presence on earth, came to dwell with humans to bring to them salvation. He has been seen and his words and works experienced by his followers when he came down from heaven. Though he only lived as a human on earth, for thirty three years, to fulfil his mission of salvation on the Cross, his presence and his words live forever, on earth and in heaven. This is our Lord who speaks to us in words that we can understand. He stands next to us and assures us that his words and works are not in vain. He will bring it to pass in his perfect time. Our prayers are heard and our hopes will not be disappointed.

The ordinances of God and the ordinances of his Son, are the same, we are instructed to love, for God is love. God asks of us to come to his word and seek, through our tears, the rainbow of his love that is expressed in his word. There in God’s word, he will reveal himself to us, just as he was revealed to his followers, from the Manger to the Cross. Because our Lord has risen from the grave and has trampled the last fear of humanity, death, under his foot, he has crossed the divide between life and death, and as attain life-everlasting for us. We can therefore enjoy life on earth as if we are already living life eternal, for our lives are in Christ. He brings to us our desired haven to experience his presence here and now. He talks to us through his words and says, “I am the truth and the life, and I want you to have life, and life in abundance,” John 10 verse 10. Therefore let us take heart and meditate on the word of the Lord, for these meditation tastes sweet in our mouths, and strengthen our minds and souls.

Father, we thank you that your ordinances were written with us in mind, your ordinances pronounced that you will send the Saviour, for you loved the world so much. Our Saviour leads us to obey and trust your Word. Help us to wait patiently and see your word performed and your will be done, Amen.

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