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Devotion for the Eight Sunday after Trinity 25 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for the week following the Eight Sunday after Trinity is taken from the Epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter 5, verses 8 to 9, “Live as children of light for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth,” (NRSVB). Travelling through a tunnel, hewn through the mountains, has some of the journey subjected to darkness. At the appearance of the glimmer of some light at the end of the tunnel, the spirit of the traveller is immediately lifted. The darkness around seems foreboding. It is filled with things that we cannot perceive correctly due to our position of being in the dark. In the dark things can take on an ominous appearance. However, with a few rays of light casted upon the ominous objects, we observe that these were only the jagged edges of the rock formations. Humans are able to create some light sources for themselves to guide them in the dark and shine light unto and into complicated matters. The light of the microscope has explained some the secrets of a whole microcosm to the world, and the light of the telescope has explored the macrocosm. The light that humans can created have given them fire, and out of fire good as well as devastation can flow. When we orientate us to the Light of Christ, and look at the world and his universe through this light, we observe that something changes within us. Light dawns gently from him, becomes bright at noon and then starts to wane into the sunset, then drawing on the lights of the moon and the stars.

When we absorb the Light of Christ, as he shines on us during the days of growth and the ripening of the fruit, we will be able to reflect this beautiful light in the nights of sorrow and darkness. The light that we reflect is the light of love and life. It does not become a spot-light to show the imperfections of others, but a guiding light, placed at a dangerous place, like a tight stairwell, to give light on the path of the traveller. The skill that a Christian learns, regarding the light created by the methods of the world, is how to apply it to benefit and show the neighbour in the best light, like a good photographer. The light that is placed into those who love the Lord is a light that shines his love, it radiates the warmth and gentleness of Lord. Our light is not generated out of our own storehouse of power. We are redistribution stations, that give to other, for we are drawing from the Source that is living within us. Without the Source of Light, we are candles without flames. Let us be light bearers to a world that is suffering in darkness.

As bearers of this light, we do not have the power to refrain from reflecting, just as moon has no other recourse than to reflect the light of the sun that has been absorbed during the day, throughout the night. When we maintain within our own minds and hearts that our only recourse is to stay orientated to the Light, the Spirit of the Lord will keep us on this course. We will bear the beautiful fruits that are harvested when one shines the light of Christ’s love on humans and matters that are clouded in darkness.

The watchword for this Sunday is taken from the Book of Psalms, Psalm 82 verse 3, “Maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute,” (NRSVB). When we are in right-standing with God, we endeavour that those near and far are also in right-standing regarding their lives and livelihoods. God shines he light and gives his rain on all, it is his purpose to supply in all the needs of everyone. Those who are the light-bearers in this world bring the right focus to the plights of those who are oppressed. They turn their darkness into light, so that they can live and be treated with love and receive what they need, in order to enjoy moving from the darkness of despair into the joy of hope and new life. The Apostle John calls us to action in his First Letter, in Chapter 3 verse 18, “Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action,” (NRSVB).

Father, we thank you that you have brought us into your light! Thank you that we may be light bearers in this world. We praise you that even in the darkest night you give us the luminous glow of hope and love, the warmth of your presence, Amen.

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