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Devotion for Saturday 10 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword is taken from Psalm One Hundred and Six, verse 1, “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever,” (NRSVB). This psalm is the final psalm of the Fourth Book of Psalms and is recited in many Jewish traditions on the Second Day of Passover. An historical account of the Exodus from Egypt, the events at the Red Sea and in the desert journey to inherit the Land of Milk and Honey, is given. It tells of God wonderous deeds of deliverance and protection for his chosen people, despite their rebellious deeds against him, and their disobedience. God forgave their misdeeds and continued to dwell with the Israelites in their forty year long desert journey.

They were taught the Commandments of the Lord and were moulded together as the people who served One God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. History repeated itself. Once again they were ruled by foreign powers, taken into captivity to Babylon through their own disobedience. However, the prophets foretold of the return of the exiles and the salvation that would be coming from the Branch of Jesse, meaning the House of David. The Passover celebrates God’s intervention and deliverance of Israel from the bondage of slavery under the powerful Egyptian rule. God’s work and his will on earth is still to this very day, that people would not suffer under the oppression of slavery and bondage, but be free from this burden, in order to enjoy a purposeful life, praising God and serving their neighbours.

There were many defining moments in the shaping of the Nation of Israel according to the Old Testament, but one of the most joyous moments came when for the people when the Temple of Solomon was inaugurated. This was a magnificent building that took seven years to build and was an expression of the religious understanding of the Jews, who were instructed by Moses, Joshua and their numerous leaders. They were taught the Commandments of God and his instructions on righteous living before God and men. Solomon’s Temple was unique in the Ancient Near East as it was the only temple that had no statutes of idols in it. They religious leaders in the temple proclaimed the Jewish understanding of God, as the Only God, God the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who was present in his temple and who was praised in the assembly. When Solomon inaugurated the temple he prayed to God and dedicated the temple to God, just as his father David did, when the Ark of the Covenant came back to Israel and finally came reside in the City of David. King David was filled with great joy and prayed, “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for his steadfast love endures forever,” as we read in the First Book of Chronicles, Chapter 16 verse 34.

Our watchword echoes this dedication prayer for God’s Ark of Covenant that David prayed, being used by the priests, Levites, the musicians and congregation at the consecration of the temple, “For he is good, for his mercy and loving-kindness endures forever.” After the assembly sang these words, the presence of the Lord filled the temple like a cloud, and the glory of God was all around, and Solomon prayed: “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel.” We read that following the inauguration of the temple, a seven day feast was held, and for seven days the Word of the Lord was read to the people. Afterwards they departed with great joy, knowing through experience that the Lord is good to those who revere him.

Praising the Name of the Lord together, acknowledging his awesome power and loving-kindness in the assembly, will bring renewed reverence for God amongst the people and inspire them, through the work of the Spirit, to proclaim God’s love throughout the world. the Apostle Paul writes in his Letter to the Colossians, Chapter 3 verse 17, “And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father,” (NRSVB). When we follow Jesus and proclaim his Name, we imitate him and our words and deeds are orchestrated by his Spirit within us, these words bless the Lord and the people of the Lord, and pray for their welfare.

Father, we thank you that you look at us through the eyes of your steadfast love and your everlasting mercy and kindness, help us to see our brother and sister in this light of your love and grace, Amen.

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