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Devotion for Thursday 8 July

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm 48 verse 9, “We ponder your steadfast love, in the midst of your temple,” (NRSVB). This psalm was written by the Sons of Korah, who were a family of musicians, dedicated to serve in the temple with music during the various services and celebrations. Psalm 48 was written as a praise hymn to commemorate the beauty of the temple of Zion and the joy that filled the assembly as they worship experiencing the presence of God. This expression of music and singing is a glorious foretaste of the ultimate praise that will be enjoyed when all will be praising the Lord in the heavenly home, rejoicing with the hosts of angels and archangels, singing the celestial hallelujah. Being able to worship and sing together in the temple created an atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving as the congregation were led by the musicians and singers in various liturgies of praise and adoration. The journeys, or pilgrimages, that were undertaken to the temple by the believers, occurred throughout the year and commemorated the important celebrations and dedication of the Jewish liturgical year in the temple. It was with great joy that the people came and brought their offerings. They came to praise God for his goodness and to make confession and ask for absolution and forgiveness through personal and congregational prayers and intercession by the priests. The temple was the centre of not only religious life, but of community life, for the journey of life in the Jewish religious understanding was the journey of God with the community of the faithful. In the temple, through the various components of the service liturgy, the joy of the community was expressed, as they reminded each other of the goodness and mercy of the Lord God of Israel. The loving-kindness that was new every morning, was celebrated, as a new day was given to live life abundantly, in the presence of God and the assembly.

Throughout the world, there are places dedicated and adorned with houses of worship, communities take great pains to preserve these special places. These places represent God’s nearness and his dwelling amongst humans in a most tangible way. Prayer and praised soaked chapels are living monuments of the journeys of generations of faithful people. The witness of the buildings represent meeting places and space to enter into and experience the presence of God with other believers and non-believers. The world and her people are reminded of the journey of faith that traversed the earth and spread out from Jerusalem to the ends of this earth. The houses of the Lord, even though they may be empty, even though they may not be frequented by the faithful, whether in times of prohibition, or not, still serve as inspiration. The lofty spires raise up in the sky, pointing us to lift our eyes up, for our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

It was in the temple, where the faithful Simeon was interceding for Israel and praying for the coming of the Messiah, that he met Mary and Joseph with the Baby Jesus. There God opened his eyes and he experienced the greatest joy, for he saw the Child and he held him in his arms and blessed him. The prophetess Anna, also awaiting the coming of the Messiah, saw her Saviour there in the temple as his parents brought him to be dedicated to the Lord. Jesus loved the Temple, and his heart was zealous for the temple of God to be the House of Prayer, that it was intended to be. Throughout the history of humanity there have been instances of Houses of the Lord being turned to accommodate wrongful practices through the insistence of wrongful leaders. However, we have been given the assurance that Christ is the Cornerstone of the House of the Lord and this Temple will never perish. God has made his dwelling amongst humans and dwells within us so that we are each a living temple, part of the Body of Christ, the Priesthood of Believers.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians in his First Letter, Chapter 6 verse 15, “Do you not see and know that your bodies are members, part of Christ, the Messiah,” (Amplified Bible). The indwelling Spirit of God, who has been given at Pentecost, dwells within us. Our bodies are temples of God, filled with his presence and his grace and faith, so that we can be lights in the dark world, pointing, like the church spires, people to Christ, who saved us through his love. Jesus’ apostles were taught by him and they spread his teachings after his resurrection and ascension, proclaiming the Gospel, the Good News. Their habits and practices of their prayer life centred around the private and corporate prayer life as was practiced by Jesus. He came to pray in the temple at the hours of prayers and he taught in the temple where people would congregate as a community of the faithful, to worship God, his Father. We read in Acts Chapter Three verse 1, “Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer,” (NRSVB).

When the Apostles came in the fore-court of the temple they encountered a lame beggar who was sitting waiting for alms. Instead of receiving the alms that he was accustomed to get from those who came to the temple, he received the gift of health for the body and health for the soul from the Apostles. They healed him through their prayers for his restoration and healing. By the power of the Spirit, working through Peter and John, the man stood up and walk after Peter told him to stand in the Name of Jesus. They took him by the hand and the man leaped up and praised God for his loving kindness and gift of healing. The people who came to pray in the temple knew this man, and they marvelled and rejoiced with him for God’s work of wonder that transformed his life. Peter preached his first sermon, following this miracle, to those gathered in the Temple. Many were turned to repentance and believed after they experienced the powerful presence of God in their midst.

Father, we thank you that you are present in, under and with your word and work, your are present with your power and might to work in your church and her people. Help the church to fulfil her mission on earth and point people to you. Allow them to experience you as their loving Father, as they come to seek you face, Amen.

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