Devotion for Wednesday 30 June
Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,
Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 53, verse 1, “Who has believed what we have heard? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed,” (NRSVB). The prophet Isaiah had a vision of the life and work of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, on earth. He foretold that Christ would be despised and rejected, but would carry the sin of all, and through his suffering save the nations, the consequences of his life and death and resurrection would reverberate through the history of humanity. “He shall see the fruit of the travail of His soul and be satisfied; by His knowledge of Himself, which he possesses and imparts to others, shall My uncompromisingly righteous One, My Servant, justify many and make many righteous, upright and in right standing with God, for He shall bear their iniquities and their guilt, with the consequences, says the Lord,” Isaiah 53 verse 11, (Amplified Bible). Isaiah believed what was revealed to him in his vision, and foretold it to the nations to come; it would surely happen as the Lord promised. We are the generations that came and have heard of the revelation of the Lord, Jesus Christ, at his birth in Bethlehem and his death on the Cross on Calvary and his resurrection. He has been revealed to us, the arm of the Lord, his work, has been shown to the believers through the ages.
As believers, we marvel at the words of the prophet. He foretold so accurately the events that happened when Jesus was taken on trial, crucified and died for the world. It is significant for us, especially in these times, where our awareness of devastating and life-threatening disease has been heightened, that we contemplate the fact that our Lord carried the diseases of humankind, on behalf of humankind, in his own body. “Surely He has borne our griefs, sicknesses, weaknesses and distresses, and carried our sorrows and pains of punishment, yet we ignorantly considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God as if with leprosy,” (Isaiah 53 verse 4). “And thus He fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah. He Himself took, in order to carry away, our weaknesses and infirmities and bore away our diseases,” Matthew 8 verse 17, (Amplified Bible). Jesus was wounded, and out of His wounds came healing for us, His healing is not only for the soul, but also for the body, so that we can live, and have life, and live in and with abundant joy.
Our Saviour is intimately acquainted with the human condition. He never succumbed to sin, but knows what it is to be tempted in body, mind and spirit. He suffered disease, pain and grief and is infinitely mindful and has deep empathy with humans. He is moved by their pain and sorrow. This is our Lord who comes alongside us to remind us that he knows what we are suffering and he will intervene and carry this load with us. He will bring us to a place of safety and rest. We can roll our anxiety and fears, regarding the situation in the world and the impact that it causes in every life, and know that our Suffering Saviour has carried all the consequences of pain, sorrow, sin and death for us. He bore and took away the suffering of humanity. He makes intercession for us, he will not forsake us in these times of trial.
The Apostle Paul wrote in his First Letter to Timothy, Chapter Six verse 12, “Fight the good fight of faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and for which you confessed the good confession of faith before many witnesses,” (Amplified Bible). As the pastor Timothy is encouraged by the letter of Paul, so are we, as we consider our life here on earth. Our fight, our battle, is not against humans, but against the powers of evil, who tempt us to give up our fight to cling to our faith. God promises that he renews our faith daily through his grace that was given to us when Jesus fought and overcame the power of sin and sickness, decay and condemnation for the world. We can stand on and lay hold of each and every promise in the word of God, they were written for us, and include us, the nations to come. God has given us his Spirit. His Holy Spirit dwells in us, and makes it possible for us to profess our faith and continue to confess the Name of the Lord and our faith in His work of redemption for us.
To us has been revealed the great power and mighty right hand of God. He has shown to us his redemption, as the Son of God suffered for us, and fought the good fight to overcome that which we could not overcome, so that we can boldly take hold of our inheritance, life everlasting.
Father, we thank you that you have seen our suffering and grief, that you have taken our diseases upon you, and broke the power of death, through your wounds, as you carried our sickness for us. Help us to look up to You, on the Cross, for us, and be healed, Amen.