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Devotion for Tuesday 29 June

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Second Book of Samuel, Chapter 14 verse 14, “And God does not take away life, but devises means so that he who is banished may not be an utter outcast from Him,” (Amplified Bible). This verse was spoken by a wise woman from Takoah to King David, after his head of the army, Joab instructed her to speak in a parable to King David, regarding his son, Absalom. Absalom decided to set things right by his own power and might and he killed his brother, Ammon, at a banquet that he held with the specific purpose of avenging Ammon’s guilt by death. All the king’s sons came to the banquet and a wrong message made the rounds, stating that the king’s sons were slain, however, it was only Ammon who perished. Absalom fled to his mother’s father, King of Geshur, and stayed there for three years. King David longed for his son, Absalom. Joab decided to help the king to restore his relationship with his son, Absalom, by suggesting – through the wise words of the woman – the possibility of the lifting of the banishment and the return of the lost son. David immediately realized that the words of the woman were inspired by the the counsel of his chief military officers, Joab. Absalom did return, but unfortunately he turned against his father, ultimately causing a civil war. He died on the battlefield in an accident, a prince who was given all the opportunities to become a great king, who was reinstated following his banishment, but chose to divide the kingdom and tried to usurp his father. Despite Absalom’s evil ways and the harm he cause his father, his father mourned bitterly for him. The pain of his rebellion deeply affected his father, King David.

The words of the wise woman to David portray a situation where an earthly father is able and willing to restore his son and not to banish him from his face or from his grace, despite his wrong-doings. God, our heavenly Father never banishes his children. He does not deny them forgiveness, nor hides his face, forever. He comes in tender mercy and re-instates his children, even when they have strayed and caused harm, and have been rebellious towards him. God reinstated the Apostle Paul to work in the kingdom of God, instead as a zealous persecutor of the Christians. He gave him a new spirit within, a spirit of humility and repentance. The Apostle Paul never forgot God’s amazing grace to him. He was turned him from Saul, the persecutor of the Christians, to Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles. The writer of the Book to the Hebrews quotes the words of David in the ninety fifth psalm, “Today, if you would hear his voice, and when you hear it, do not harden your hearts,” in Chapter 4 verse 7. When Paul heard the word of the Lord, he asked, “Who are you Lord?” Paul turned away from persecuting the Christians, to living a life witnessing to the power of the work of God, making him into a new creature. He received mercy from God, to live in hope, returned from banishment, to be free, because of the grace of God in his life. Paul heard the voice and did not turn away, he was not proud but confessed, unlike prince Absalom.

God used the Apostle Paul in his kingdom to bring the word of Jesus, and Jesus crucified, to the nations, despite his previous credentials; one could even say, in spite of his credentials. We all have our turns and foibles, our low points, but we are encouraged to know that God never turns away from us, and he can use us in his kingdom work, notwithstanding. We are encouraged to know that we can pray for those who behave like prodigals and those who hide in banishment, for God is not finished with them yet. Jesus explained to the questioning Pharisees, “The Pharisees and scribes were complaining to his disciples, saying: “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus answered: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick,” Luke Chapter 5 verses 30 to 31, (NRSVB).

We have a great physician who paid with his life to be the remedy to bring us from banishment from the Garden of Eden, back to life, life-eternal with God in heaven. He is our great high priest who has empathy with his children for he knows what they suffer. He makes constant intercession for them with the Father. We are not left to languish in our predicaments, but to look at the cross and know that we have been restored and reconciled to our Father in heaven.

Lord, we thank you that you come and talk to each and every one in a manner that speaks to their hearts. Let your Spirit comfort your children. Lord, restore your church and guide the worship and prayers of the faithful in these dangerous times, Amen.

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