Devotion – Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watch word for today is taken from Jeremiah 23: 3, “Then I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the lands where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruitful and multiply,” (NRSVB).The Lord revealed to Jeremiah that he had to warn king Jehoiakim not to indulge in a life-style as if he were King Solomon while the people were perishing. This warning was extended to the civil leaders and the temple leadership. Their mandate was to see to the people and their needs, as to avoid the demise of Israel and Judah. Despite the warnings, the leaders continued to cream off the best for themselves. The king and leaders made light of Jeremiah’s words, even burning the writings of his prophecies. Jeremiah pleaded for twenty-three years, begging the leaders to turn back to the commandments of God (Jeremiah 25:3). The prophecies came true and the king of Judah was defeated and the people taken into captivity to Babylon.

Even during these evil times, there was a small group, the remnant, who followed the Law of the Lord and heeded the words of the prophets. Those heeding God’s words were in the minority. The rest of the people followed their leaders even this leadership caused them materially and spiritually impoverishment. God protected the remnant in the lands where they were held captive, or fled to. Ultimately, He brought them back to rebuild the temple, and the city of Jerusalem. However, the captivity would not have had to occur, were the leadership following God’s laws and led the people, who were entrusted to them, with justice and in fairness. God sees the ways of the world and knows the hearts of men, He therefore sent His Son to be the perfect example of the kingly leader to the world. Jesus, the Servant King, who washed the feet of his followers, cared for the sick and lame and who protected the weak sheep, He is the King of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. 

It seems as if not much has changed in the world. We witness untold poverty and unspeakable riches, side by side. We live in the time of a deadly pandemic, but it seems as if the prophets have been quietened. It seems as if the world and its leadership are marching to their own orders and are not aligning themselves to the Word of God. Looking from the inside out, we would be forgiven for having this view on matters of the earth. If we could look from the outside in, we would clearly see that God is working in his world. He will bring mercy and justice, peace and healing to his world, for there is a remnant praying and practising obedience to the words of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ teachings were listened to by scholars, as well as the down and out of the society. Many of those who were caught in corruption and crime came to see their wrongs and repented and turned from their evil ways. Jesus gave an illustration when he was asked about those who turned from the way of the Lord, who previously followed in the right paths. “Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that is lost until he finds it,” Luke 15:4, (NRSVB). Jesus doesn’t give up on his children and finds them where they have fallen by the wayside. He pulls them out of the mud and reinstates them at his table. We are all sheep of his fold, and sheep can stray. The Good Shepherd is ever mindful  of the ways of sheep and calls them by name and welcomes them back in the fold. 

Father, we pray for those who have lost the way and are wondering in a desert of their own making. You assure us that you are seeking the lost and calling the stray back to the fold, where you rejoice at their return. Thank you, Jesus, our Good Shepherd. Amen.

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