jesus, the crucifixion, religion

Devotion for Sunday 16 May Exaudi Sunday

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for the week following the Sixth Sunday after Easter, is taken from the Gospel of John Chapter 12 verse 32, “And I, if and when I am lifted up from the earth will draw and attract all men to myself,” (Amplified Bible). Opening up the eyes of those who are spiritually blind is the work of God, nobody can work this revelation or understanding within the hearts and minds of another. Jesus clearly states that his death on the cross, and the work of redemption he achieved for humanity, will bring them to faith. Believers have to point the world and her people to the Cross of Jesus. Believers have to bring people to the foot of the Cross, so that they can look up, and behold the Lord and believe. The Pharisees were concerned about the crowds who followed Jesus. They demanded more signs from him to prove his authority. Jesus replied that the sign that they will receive will be the sign of Jonah. Jonah was held for three days in the belly of the whale. After three days he was expelled from the whale’s belly and did his ministry in Nineveh, and the people were drawn, through the ministry of Jonah, to repent. God blessed the city of Nineveh, for they acknowledged God, as the only God. Jesus spent three days in the dark earth, but the grave could not hold him, and Jesus burst forth breaking the bonds of death and condemnation. The work of the believer is to point people to Jesus. Sometimes, in our zeal to convince people of the gospel, we forget that our work is to show Jesus, and Jesus crucified. God will work through his grace and bestow faith. Jesus Christ will draw all humanity to believe and receive faith and life.

The cry of the believer, “Hear my voice when I call, O Lord,” taken from Psalm 27 verse 7, is answered as the Lord draws those who call on his name to him and give them his peace. In Latin the opening word of this verse is “Exaudi” meaning to hear, the Latin word is used as the name of this Sunday, the Sunday between Ascension Day and the Day of Pentecost. During this time the disciples and followers of Jesus were joined together in earnest prayer, waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit. They brought their prayers to the Lord and were assured that their prayers would be answered in God’s perfect time, just as they were promised. Our God is still the same God who hears our prayers and who adds to the number of the believers as people are drawn to Christ.

The Apostle Paul in his Second Letter to the Thessalonians in Chapter 2 verses 16 to 17 writes, “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word,” (NRSVB). The work of the believer is to pray and call on the Lord asking that his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The word that the believer has to speak is a word of hope that points people to Jesus, the Light of the World. As living worshipping stones in the church of the Lord, part of the Kingdom of God, we are the body of Christ on earth. We are called to call on his Name and point to the work of Christ on the Cross for all.

Father, we thank you that you hear us when we call. We praise you that you have redeemed us through your Son who was lifted from the earth for us to see and believe, Amen.

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