Devotion -Thursday, 7 January 2021 Orthodox Christmas

Dear Readers, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watch word for today is taken from Psalm 119: 94, “I am Yours, therefore save me; I have sought Your precepts and required them [as an urgent need],” (Amplified Bible). Psalm 119 is an example of an acrostic poem using the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet in eight lined stanzas, praising the word (the law) of the Lord. This psalm is a collection of 176 thoughts on the need of, and the love for, God’s word. Jesus is the living Word of God, the embodiment and fulfilment of the laws of God. We can therefore apply each of these verses to him. If we take our watchword and substitute Jesus’ Name for the various names given to the law of the Lord in this psalm, the verse reads as follows: “I am yours, Jesus, therefore save me; I have sought and required Jesus as an urgent need.” We are reminded today, on this day of Orthodox Christmas, who Jesus really is. He is the Word of God made flesh. He is the One who came to live among us. He is the One who came to seek us, and He has found us. He is the One whom we need. God gave his Son as our gift and example; this is the Gospel and Good News. We are not under the Law but under grace (Romans 6:14). We could not obey the law, even though we, like the psalmist, love the word of the Lord and meditate on its principles. Jesus obeyed on behalf of us. He fulfilled every requirement so that we can live life, unafraid, under the shadow of His Cross. The story of Jesus’ birth renews our hope, faith and joy as we see him full of love in the manger, and we react to him in love and give ourselves.

Jesus is concerned for those who love Him, as He was for his disciples. He taught them the word of his Father and gave them insight into the mysteries of God. He opened their eyes so that they could see the wonders of the law of the Lord and the correct application of God’s laws. These were laws to make living vibrant and full of purpose and love for the Father and the neighbour. Jesus described how the life of his child is inseparably linked with his life, for he is the Vine and those who love him are the branches. Because our lives are so intertwined, we have his life, and his characteristics given to us, just as the grapes are the product of the life of the Vine. Jesus promised his disciples if they abide in Him; He will be with them and grant them their prayers. “If you live in Me (abide in Me) and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you,” John 15:7, (Amp Bible). Looking into the stable and seeing the Christ Child brought peace to the shepherds and the Magi for they realized, through the proclamation of the angels, that the hope of the World was born, and they were gazing on Him. They knelt before his manger in awe and adoration.

Father God, we come to you and bring to you our hopes and our fears. We pray to you to let your perfect will rule and act in this world in turmoil. Together with the Wise Men, we bow before you, and acknowledge that it is only you who can fulfil the laws of this world. It is only you who can rule the world fairly and in harmony. Father, we are in urgent need of your acting in this world to bring your love and peace, with healing on your wings. Thank you that we, as your children, can also give you joy, as you delight in us, while we wait on you, with hope, and asking you what we need. We come to you and ask in Your Name, Jesus, the Light of the World, our Saviour. Amen. 

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