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Devotion – Monday, 10 May

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Proverbs, Chapter One verse seven, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,” (NRSVB).  This Book of Proverbs has a long history of being foundational in the wisdom writings as a collection of truths about the art of living. King Solomon is credited to have written most of these instructions. The opening section of the Book of Proverbs urged all to build their house of wisdom, on the sure and stable principle of fear of the Lord. This fear is not a fear that is situated in distrust, but a fear that is constructed on the respect for God as the Creator of the Universe, the Creator of Life and the One that rules the universe according to his principles. God’s purpose is to benefit the world, her people and the creatures he created, so that they will live in peace and enjoy health and a long and rewarding life. The Proverbs of Solomon have been used as instructions and teachings on the subject of gaining wisdom and knowledge in order to live a righteous life; following the right path, and shunning the allures of the wrong way. The wrong way is constructed on living without respect for God or his commandments. We should hold up the mirror of “the fear of God” to each and every thought, word and deed, and ask if our actions reflect our love for God. This guiding question will keep us on the correct way, the way of life. 

The yearning for wisdom is a lifelong yearning. It started in the Garden of Eden, when the Serpent misled Eve by promising her that she would become as wise, and have all the knowledge she needs, to be like God. The Serpent still tries to lead us to believe that we can have all knowledge. God is the One who is The All Knowledgeable One, and he reveals to us what we need to know, and understand, in order to live purposefully on earth. As the world becomes more complicated and complex, our need for knowledge becomes more desperate, and with Pontius Pilate we ask, “What is truth?” (John 18 verse 38). The various fields of knowledge that one can attain, grow day by the day, and there is no end to the attaining of new information. However, the one truth that will bring peace in this restless seeking is the knowledge, that God is the source of all wisdom. He gives insight to those he loves, even in their sleep! The fear of the Lord is given to us through the grace of God. We are given faith in the plan and purpose that God ordained for the world and her people, namely that salvation would be given to all, through Jesus Christ –this is the ultimate wisdom. In the Gospel of John the writer states in Chapter 19 verse 35, “And he who saw it, the eyewitness, gives this evidence, and his testimony is true; and he knows that he tells the truth, that you may believe also,” (Amplified Bible). We have been given the testimony of Christ’s death and his resurrection, his redemption for us, so that we can believe and receive restoration.

The Apostle Paul writes in the Letter to the Colossians in Chapter 2 verse 3, “In Christ all the treasures of divine wisdom and comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God, and all the riches of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and hidden,” (Amplified Bible). Much of the need to attain knowledge is appropriated to plan for the future. When the knowledge that is used is false, then the plans for the future are built on sandy soil. God comes to us. He assures us, through his Word, Christ’s work on the Cross for us, His presence and continuous work on earth and the indwelling of the Spirit of Truth, that he will create a blessed future. He has “peace and good-will for all people” as the foundational truth of the Kingdom of God. 

Father God, we thank you that we are taught by you and can rely on your wisdom, Amen. 

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