cocoon, butterfly, insect

25 April 2021 – Devotion for the Third Sunday after Easter, Jubilate Sunday

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for the week following the Third Sunday after Easter, is taken from the Apostle Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, Chapter Five, verse 17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come,” (NRSVB). We are urged to be Christ’s ambassadors, telling the world what Christ has done for each and every one, making it possible that we can become what we ought to become, a new creature in Christ. We are “in-grafted in Christ,” as the branch is grafted in the Vine. We are given grace and faith to bring us to renounce the old self, with all its needs and wants, and to be dressed with the love of Christ. 

Our journey has come full circle, for all things are from God, Who, through Jesus Christ reconciled Himself to us. Like a butterfly, we emerge from our confined space in the cocoon, and enjoy the freedom of a new creature, flying on wings of songs and jubilation. This is God’s gift of grace. 

We can sing with the Psalmist of Psalm 66, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth”, (Amplified Bible). We can sing and shout to the Lord our joyful praises, for he has made us glad. “Jubilate Deo omnis terra” is the opening words of Psalm 66 verse 1, in Latin. The name of the Third Sunday after Easter in the Lutheran Liturgical tradition is named after the opening of this introit, Jubilate. In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring time is a reminder of the joy that breaks forth from the earth. In the Southern Hemisphere the coming season of autumn reminds us of the time that is needed for the hidden growth in the dark soil, before the new growth breaks through.  

The watchword for this Sunday is taken from Psalm 48 verse 14, “This is God, our God, forever and ever. He will be our guide,” (NRSVB). Scholars teach that this psalm was sung by the sons of Korah, a family dedicated to make music in the temple. This psalm is an entrance hymn to praise God as the community gathered in the Temple of the Lord. “As we have heard, so we have seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the City of our God: God will establish it forever,” Psalm 48 verse 8, (Amplified Bible). This psalm is echoed in the words of the writer, John, in Revelation Chapter 21 verses 2 and 3, “Then I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem. I perceived distinct words, saying: See! The abode of God is with men. He will live among them, and they shall be his people, and God shall personally be with them and be their God,” (Amplified Bible). God has given us the assurance through the faithful testimonies in his word that he will be with us forever and ever, and will bring us to the place where we will feast with him, in the City of the Lord. We will be regenerated as new and perfected creatures enjoy God’s presence.   

“I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ,” wrote the Apostle Paul in Philippians Chapter One verse 6, (NRSVB). We have been promised that God who works in his world and in his children is constantly at work bringing things together in order to benefit his world and her people. God’s love and the story of his love for the world is told between the pages of his Word to remind us that he is the God who never changes towards us. He will not leave us, nor forsake us. He will be our God, for ever and ever and even unto death, as our watchword proclaims. As we look around us and behold God’s created beauty in the world, we can rejoice with the earth and shout for joy. God sees each one of us as precious and perfected. We are new creatures, according to his promise in Jesus.

Father, we sing our songs of praise to you, for you have given us new life, Amen. 

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