Devotion – Wednesday, 24 March

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword is taken from the Book of Genesis, Chapter One verse 28, “God blessed them, and said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it,” (NRSVB). In the creation account recorded in the first chapter of the Old Testament, we read that God blessed the vegetation and the lights of the heavens, for it was good. God blessed the birds, the fish, and the animals and created within them the ability to multiply and be fruitful. God blessed humans in the same way and gave them the responsibility to care for creation and work together in perfect unity to serve God, people and creatures. These blessings were given in the harmonious state of paradise, where animals and humans lived together without fearing each other, there were no natural enemies in paradise. When sin entered paradise, not only humans were affected, but the whole of creation. The peaceful existence, where there was no fear, changed to an existence where man turned against man, and animal against animal. Humans and animals became fearful of each other, for no-one could trust each other any more. We are still suffering the aftermath of the Fall. However, we are promised the “New Jerusalem,” where the lion and the lamb will feed together and a child will play at the nest of an adder. To be subdued in the language of Genesis One means to be blessed to work together and create co-operation and joy among the various creatures of God. There was a time in Paradise when everything worked together to the benefit of creation and the glory of God. Christ’s death and resurrection reconciled humans with God. When Jesus comes again, the whole of creation will be restored and the harmony of heaven will reign amongst all creatures and their Creator. 

While we are living on earth, we glimpse a vision of paradise when we behold the beauty of nature, the power of the elements and the glory of the creatures. However, we also behold the cruelty of nature as the fight for survival reigns supreme. God created the animals to live joyfully on the earth. Throughout scripture, we read of the birds and the flocks, the plants and the trees praising their Creator, the rivers rejoicing in song and the stars singing to his glory. God made humans in his own image and gave his breath in their nostrils. The natural state of humans is to be in communion with God, to talk with him, and enjoy life without fear in the Garden of Eden. The natural state of the creatures of God is to come alongside humans and enjoy their company. Ultimately God will restore this world to live without fear and death, sickness and tears, forever, in his presence.

The Apostle Paul, in teaching the Corinthian congregation in his first letter, wrote in Chapter Three verse 23, “All belongs to you, and you belong to Christ,”(NRSVB). He explained that as humans were given the command to be fruitful, so the “new creature” in Jesus Christ, is given the opportunity and the blessing to be spiritually fruitful. There cannot be a spiritual harvest of good fruit when there are forms of strife and factions in the church. Just as Adam and Eve watered and cared for the Garden in Eden so do those who minister in the house of the Lord, working and cultivating the Garden of the Lord in the Church. Those who water and nurture do not create faith and growth and a spiritual harvest, it is God. We have received the reconciliation of Jesus Christ on the Cross that was promised Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 verse 15, before they had to leave Paradise, and work within a new dimension in creation on earth. Adam and Eve did not realize all they were given when they were in Paradise, neither do we realize all that we have been given. Christ reconciled us with God and everything belongs to us through him. 

You have blessed us with goodness; you have given us your all, thank you, Lord, Amen.

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