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Devotion – Friday, 26 February

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the Book of Amos Chapter 4 verse 13, “Lo, the one who forms the mountains, creates the wind, reveals his thoughts to mortals, the Lord, the God of hosts, is his name,” (NRSVB). In this chapter Amos warned the citizens of Samaria who forgot the poor and kept on feasting, those who worshipped their own ambitions and wrongful desires; to prepare themselves for they had to meet their maker. Amos called upon the listeners to return to their God, for He is not an idol made of elements that can be destroyed, He is the One who created everything, the One who gives and takes life. This God, our God, who is awesome in power and loving-kindness, revealed his thoughts to the people. God showed the thoughts of his creations in the shape, form and magnificence of mountains, in the times and structures of the seasons, days and nights and the rain and harvest, given to humans. God enriched humans with his creative power to create with their own expressive power art and music, language and sciences. However, the talents and gifts that humans received were not employed to honour God and serve their neighbour. Gifts were used to serve ambitions of greed, feeding the pride of those who considered themselves not in need of God, for they were able to secure what they needed and wanted. Amos warned that droughts and sickness, wars and desolation will claim nations who only work to enrich and benefit themselves. Those who gather riches and squander resources in idle living will be accountable before God, there will be a reckoning. God rewards those who obey and respect Him. Those who care for their neighbour and consider the creation with awe will experience his peace.  

The times we live in reveal to us that people are indeed “curved in unto themselves” as Martin Luther stated. Times of terror reveal the highest and the basest of nature that lurk in humans. We are created in the image of God, and through Jesus Christ’s work on the Cross for us, our natures have been recreated by the Spirit into the new creature, who has the love of God towards those around us. We live in unusual times, but times and epochs of history do not diminish the power and plans of our Lord, nor what is required from us: the work of prayer to God. God still reveals himself to the world in these times so that they can behold Him, the One who shares his thoughts with humans, “For I know my thoughts for you, thoughts to prosper you and give you a future, (Jeremiah 29 verse 11). Situations prevailing in the world and with her people occur through the works of humans. Humanity is not able to foresee the terrible outcomes of short term plans to self-actualization, pleasure and quick satisfaction. God wants us to come to him in repentance and receive his absolution, for we all have sinned and share in the pain of the world. God is filled with loving-kindness and patience for us and hears our cries.  

When Jesus dwelled on earth God prepared the hearts of Jesus’ disciples. Jesus taught them to minister his peace and love in a dark world. Initially, they did not foresee that the road Jesus had to walk to attain forgiveness for all, would lead to his death. But slowly they were being prepared for revealing Christ crucified to the coming generations of Jesus’ followers. “Jesus prayed: I have made your name known to those whom you gave me from the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything you have given me is from you,” John 17 verse 6 and 7.” God gave Jesus followers whom stayed accountable to their Lord and believed.

Lord, we are your disciples, help us to keep your word and proclaim your grace. Create in us clean hearts, sustain us to intercede for your world as you taught us, Amen.

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