river, tea, miño

Devotion – Friday 19 February

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ, 

Our watchword for today is taken from Deuteronomy 3 verse 24, “O Lord God, you have only begun to show your servant your greatness and your might,” (NRSVB). Moses is in conversation with the Lord regarding the entry of the Israelites into the Land of Promise. He has led them for forty years through the desert, and they are now on the brink of entering the land. Moses would not see this land, nor would he enter into it as their leader, for Joshua would have this privilege. Moses asked God if he could have a peek of this wonderful land from a high mountain close by, but God said that he could not glimpse the land beyond the Jordan yet. Moses continued to instruct the Israelites in God’s ordinances and impressed on their minds and hearts to honour God once they lived in a peaceful and prosperous setting. Moses entreated them to follow their leader Joshua. Then he started to prepare them for his departure, for God revealed to Moses that He would come to take him from the earth. Before Moses departed, he went up Mount Nebo. 

God showed him the land of promise, from the east to the west, the north to the south. God told Moses that this was the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God took Moses, His friend, home and buried Moses’ body in the land of Moab, in a tomb that no-one has found, according to Deuteronomy 34 verse 6. Moses, throughout his journey with God, progressively saw more and more of God’s power and might. Ultimately God did not only give him a glimpse of the Promised Land, but God gave him a visual aerial revelation as he stood on mount Nebo. Then God took Moses home to be with Him as He had promised. The Israelites wept for Moses for thirty days after his death on Mount Nebo. Finally, a short time later, they crossed the Jordan River on dry land, following their leader Joshua, entering into their inheritance. This reminded them of their forefathers who crossed the Red Sea on dry land, following their leader Moses, leaving their state of slavery behind. It has taken forty years for Israel to become united and accustomed to the laws of the Lord, now they were ready to enjoy the fulfilment of God’s promises of their own, good land and a blessed and peaceful future.   

Throughout the narrative of Scripture we are told of God’s journey with his children. We read of nations and people who acknowledged Israel’s God as the only God and wanted to join them, for they wanted to be children of this God! When Ruth came with Naomi from the land of Moab to Israel, she said, “Your God, is my God,” (Ruth One verse 16), and professed faith in Israel’s God. She bore a son, Obed, who was the father of Jesse, the father of King David (Matthew 1 verses 5 to 6). The apostle Paul wrote in the Epistle to the Colossians Chapter One verse 27, “God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory,” (NRSVB). After the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, all have been given this hope and glory of having Christ dwelling in us, and being on the journey to the Promised Land of no tears, or pain, where death will not have the last say (Revelation 21 verse 2 to 4). As we start to walk the road towards Calvary with our Lord these next forty days, let us be reminded how it took forty years for the Israelites to be united in their love and obedience to their Lord, God. One day we will have to cross the Jordan; then we will see God face to face, and our Lord, who died for us on Golgotha. Because of Christ’s work, we can live the new life of the new creature in God, already this side of the river Jordan and the New Jerusalem. God made known to us, the Gentiles, his truth. He adopted us and has taken us on this journey of living in hope and glory of Christ, Jesus.

Father, we thank you for journeying with us through life and death, to life eternal, Amen.

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