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Devotion for Monday 25 October

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm Eighty Three verses One and Two, “O God, do not keep silence, do not hold your peace or keep still, O God! Even now your enemies are in tumult; those who hate you have raised their heads,” (NRSVB). The poet Asaph prays to God in this psalm to come and rescue Israel out of the hands of her enemies. Many nations have decided to rise up together and attack Israel. The Assyrians joined a coalition against the Israelites and they were under severe threat. Asaph, one of the three chief court musicians of King David, composed this song for the people to sing in their worship service as a prayer and offering to God, calling on his deliverance. In this song, Asaph describes that God can turn the tide, he can cause the invading armies to be like chaff and stubble before a whirlwind. God is able to save suffering nations mightily, just as he saved Israel when the Egyptians chased after them. God made a path through the Red Sea. They were not aware of the path underneath the waves of the sea, but God laid the foundation of this path, and the Israelites walked through the water unharmed. The enemies of God chose to pursue and annihilate those who are worshipping him. Asaph prays to God and asks him to put those to shame who persecute the people who worship God. His final petition is that God would turn those who rose up against him so that they will seek the Lord and realize that he is the only God.

In the modern world we have seen that reverence for God is not observed. We notice it in forms of attack, such as using the Name of God idly, from newscasts to podcasts, from series to movies, the name of God is used with no respect. Countless articles, books and scientific papers are published denouncing God. Even during this time of the pandemic, the word of the Lord and his presence are denied. His power to deliver in the world is ridiculed. This is the world that we live in. We are conditioned to honour humans and denounce God. Despite dangerous situations of nations rising up against God, God still delivers and protects the world and her people. God works to bring about peace, correcting the wrongs of those who wilfully destroy this earth and those who plan to cause calamity for humanity. God is all-powerful and can appear to those who deny him in a tempest or a hurricane, but he is patient and waits for people to turn to him and be convicted of their wrongful ways. It might look as if God is silent, it might appear as if he is only beholding the earth and her people from a distance. We can rest assured, God is actively working in this world to bring about deliverance for those who fear him.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God and ask him to provide for their daily needs. Daily needs include to be delivered from the web, the net that the Evil One spreads. He is roaring like a lion, looking for those who can be devoured and overcome by evil. We read in the Gospel of Matthew, in Chapter Six, “But when you pray, pray to your Father, Who sees in secret, and he will reward you in the open. Father, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the Evil One,” (Amplified Bible). God is a very present help in trouble, he is our Rock and Refuge. He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can withstand. We need to stand up against the evil in this world. We need to pray that the evil plans and purposes devised in this world will be brought to nothing through the grace and power of God.

Father, we thank you that you have sent your Son to redeem this world. We thank you that the power of the Evil One has been overcome through Jesus and his work on the Cross for us. We pray that your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven, Amen.

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