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Devotion for Wednesday 29 September

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from Psalm Thirty Four verse Eight, “The angel of the Lord is on guard round those who fear him,” (NRSVB). The Twenty Ninth Day of September is traditionally celebrated in the Christian Church as Saint Michael’s Day. We read of the angel Michael in the visions of the prophet Daniel, in Chapter Ten verse Thirteen, “But the prince of the Kingdom of Persian withstood me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief celestial princes, came to help me,” (Amplified Bible). The history behind this passage is told by the prophet Daniel, who was praying to God, fasting and beseeching the Lord to restore the exiles in Babylon to faith, opening their eyes, and the eyes of their leaders, to come God in repentance. Daniel became weak as he was praying and fasting, to the point of complete exhaustion. Then he felt a hand touching him and a voice comforting him, telling him that his prayers were heard. In the vision, Daniel is told that the heavenly prince, or celestial angel, Michael, fights on the behalf of those who love the Lord. He is one of the chief angels, who is responsible to gain the victory on behalf of the people of the Lord. Immediately Daniel felt that he was being strengthened. He was restored and able to continue to intercede on behalf of the Israelites who were in exile. Daniel, in a previous vision, saw the messenger angel of God, Gabriel, who comforted him and instructed him with godly wisdom, commanding him not to fear, but to be strong and courageous.

In Psalm Thirty Four, the Psalmist David, is consoled. He received the assurance of the Lord, that God has given his instructions to the angelic messengers and hosts of the Lord, to surround him and protect him so that he will not be overpowered by the enemy. The angelic hosts of God works at the command of God to bring about salvation of people who are in distress. In Psalm Ninety One verse Eleven, we read, “For He will give His angels charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways,” (Amplified Bible). God’s messengers are all around us, our eyes cannot perceive them, but we are assured of their wonderful acts of deliverance, protection and guidance. When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, God sent his angel to strengthen Jesus, as we read in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter Twenty Two verse Forty Three, “And there appeared to Him an angel from heaven, strengthening Him in spirit,” (Amplified Bible). God’s host are around us encouraging us not to be afraid, but to be courageous, for He ordains the happenings in this world and commands the heavenly hosts.

When God imparts special wisdom and revelation to someone whom he has ordained to take part in a salvific act, he sends his angelic messengers. The birth of prophets were foretold to their parents by angels. The parents were prepared, through celestial teaching, how to raise their children. Even the names of the babies were given to the parents. Whenever angels came with their announcements, they called out and assured those who received their message, that they must not be afraid, but take courage, for God has chosen them to fulfil a great duty in the history of humankind. When the angel came to Mary and told her that she would be the mother of the Messiah, she blessed the Lord and was strengthened with wisdom and understanding. We read in Luke One verse Thirty, “The angel said to Mary: Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God,” (NRSVB).

Father God, we thank you that you have chosen humans to partner with you and the angels to bring about a world filled with godly goodness and glory. We thank you for your angelic hosts who protect and guard your world and her people. We ask that you will give us courageous not to be afraid, but to continue to pray, as Daniel did, Amen.

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