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22 February 2021 Devotion for Monday 22 February

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ,

Our watchword for today is taken from the First Book of Samuel, Chapter One verse 11, “Hannah prayed: O Lord of hosts, if only you will look on the misery of your servant, and remember me, and not forget your servant,” (NRSVB). Hannah was a woman in distress. She came to the house of the Lord in her deep anguish and poured out her heart to God at the tented structure of the temple of the Lord in silent tear-filled prayers. She was so distressed that she left the pleasant meal and celebrations of the congregation, her husband and family, for she could not even eat; her heart was so deeply troubled. The priest, Eli, saw her. Only her mouth was moving, tears were running from her cheeks. He reprimanded her for her behaviour. She explained to Eli that she was a woman in deep pain, praying to God to come to her aid to save and bless her. She did not tell the priest of her prayer request, but, at her earnest explanation, Eli blessed her and said, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him,” First Samuel, Chapter One verse 17, (Amplified Bible). We read that Hannah left the place where she prayed to God and where she met with Eli, a different person. Her sadness left her and she ate and celebrated with the rest of the family the Feast they came to attend. 

Hannah experienced the words of the priest as words of the Lord, sent to her through the blessing of the priest. She felt that someone was praying with her in agreement to her request, even though she did not share her deep pain and desire with the priest. Hannah’s pain was the anguish of a woman longing for a child of her own. The biblical accounts of children given after a long period of barrenness reveal God’s ultimate faithfulness and love, and the special role assigned to these children. Sarah waited for the promise, and finally when she had almost given up, Isaac was promised during the visit of the Three Guests, and arrived a year later. Hannah begged the Lord and promised that if God would give her a son that she would return this son to be in the service of the Lord. Elizabeth waited for God’s promise and it was revealed by the angel in the temple, as her husband prepared the offering that John the Baptist would be born the following year. God revealed his plan and purpose to each of these parents as they made a sacrifice or offering to him and continued to look up to him to bless them with the desire of their hearts. Through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the nation of Israel was called into being. Samuel was the last judge, priest and prophet of Israel, and he anointed both King Saul and King David as Israel became a monarchy. Through John the Baptist the Israelites were prepared and ushered to repentance to receive the Lamb of God, who took the sins of the world away.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, received an angelic visitation, telling her of God plans and purpose for her life. She was to mother the Saviour of the world. Mary was overwhelmed at this news. She did not know what her future held or how God’s promises would come true, neither what the outcome would be in her life, but she knew that she could trust the Lord who chose her. She sang the prayer that Hannah sang when she gave little three year old Samuel to Eli to be trained up as a prophet and priest: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for He has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant,” Luke One verses 46 to 48, (NRSVB).  Children are not only a gift to their parents; they are gifts and grace to all the generations. God’s grace brings his children, through his salvation plan, from all the corners of the earth, to return to Him. 

Father, we thank you that you hear our prayers and answer us magnificently! Amen.

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