11 April 2021 Devotion for Sunday – Quasimodogeniti

Dear Readers and Listeners, Friends in Jesus Christ

The watchword for this week, the first week after Easter, is taken from the First Letter of the Apostle Peter, Chapter One, verse 3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” (NRSVB). The resurrection of Jesus Christ, and his appearing to his disciples and followers on numerous occasions after his crucifixion, death and resurrection, assured them of this hope of conquering death and condemnation. Ultimately, the believers will be part of the Kingdom of God, living with Christ in the House of his Father. This was a tumultuous time for the followers of Jesus. They were exceedingly joyous that his word came true before their own eyes, “In a little while, you will no longer see Me, and again after a short while you will see Me,” John 16 verse 16, (Amplified Bible). Jesus’ teachings were being understood more clearly as one after the other prophecy was fulfilled. However, in this state of joy, they were also anxious, for the persecution of the followers of Christ started as soon as news of his resurrection spread. The new birth through the Spirit, that Jesus discussed with Nicodemus and taught his followers, took on new meaning for Jesus’ followers as they realized that through the baptism of the waters of faith, they become part of the Spiritual Kingdom of God. Christ was not overcome by the world, but He overcame the last enemy of human life, namely death and condemnation, through his death and resurrection. 

The name of this Sunday, Quasimodogeniti, is taken from the Introit of this Sunday, from the First Letter of Peter, Chapter 2 verse 2, “Like newborn babies, you should crave the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto complete salvation,”  (Amplified Bible). In the Latin it reads: “Quasi modo geniti infantes,” meaning, like newborn babies. After Jesus’ resurrection, ascension and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, the followers of Christ became strengthened and emboldened to preach the Good News of Salvation. Two thousand years later it is difficult for us to imagine a world where the story of the birth and death of Jesus was not known. Telling this story cost the disciples and many followers of Jesus their lives, but the story is still being told. We wait for our Lord to come again, as he promised. He will come in glory to herald in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The watchword for today is taken from Psalm 62 verse 10, “If riches increase, do not set your heart on them,” (NRSVB). David shared in this psalm that God has revealed to him that all the power comes from the Lord, and it is only on the Lord that the soul can wait. Riches are tangible on earth, but they do not benefit the soul of man. Riches cannot satisfy the human need of being close to God and in his presences. Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be,” Matthew 6 verse 21, (NRSVB). Jesus impressed on the hearts and minds of the disciples “do not worry and be anxious, but seek first the Kingdom of God,” Matthew 6 verses 31 and 33. When Jesus came to earth he brought the glad tidings of “God being amongst us” as he dwelled on earth. When he died, resurrected, ascended and sent the Holy Spirit; the world-wide church, the Bride of Christ, came into being. Daily there are still believers added to this number, as Jesus is recognized as the priceless treasure. “Jesus, priceless treasure, source of purest joy, truest friend. We need no earthly treasure. We have received your priceless gift, your life and love for us. Jesus our joy,” (Jesu, meine Freude). 

Father, you feed us with the nourishing food of your Word, through Jesus, Christ, our priceless treasure, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, Triune God, Amen.

Categories: Daily Devotion